Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree, c. 2nd Century, Gandhara (present-day Pakistan), Schist, 73.7 x 57.2 cm, Cleveland Museum of Art.Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree, c. 2nd Century, Gandhara (present-day Pakistan), Schist, 73.7 x 57.2 cm, Cleveland Museum of Art.

Encyclopedia of Art

Discover over 10,000 years of art history in South Asia

Siddhartha at the Bodhi Tree, c. 2nd Century, Gandhara (present-day Pakistan), Schist, 73.7 x 57.2 cm, Cleveland Museum of Art.



A popular figure in Digambara Jain mytholo...

A popular figure in Digambara Jain mythology, Bahub...



A painter of illustrated manuscrip...

A painter of illustrated manuscripts, Hashi...



A Persian card game that has been popular ...

A Persian card game that has been popular in the In...


Bhuta Masks

Heavy, typically metal alloy-based masks w...

Heavy, typically metal alloy-based masks worn by da...



The memoir of Zahiruddin Babur, the founde...

The memoir of Zahiruddin Babur, the founder of the ...



Also known as Divisionism or Chromoluminar...

Also known as Divisionism or Chromoluminarism, it i...



Latticed screen windows often found in Isl...

Latticed screen windows often found in Islamic arch...



An ornamentation technique in sculpture an...

An ornamentation technique in sculpture and the dec...

Browse more Glossary Terms


A square or rectangular slab located right above the shaft of a column. ...


Abhinavagupta (c. tenth–eleventh century) was an ascetic, philosopher an...


According to the Natyashastra, it may be understood as a combination of ...

Abhiniskramana Sutra

A treatise on the life of the Buddha, it retells, among other episodes, ...


The ritual anointing or bathing of an idol with offerings such as milk, ...

Abstract Expressionism

An art movement that developed in New York in the 1940s and led to the f...

Abu’l-Fazl ibn Mubarak

An official in Akbar's court, Abu'l Fazl (b. 1551; d. 1602) was a close ...

Academic Realism

A style of painting that was influenced by European academies of art fro...


Achyutadeva (b. n.d.; d. 1542 CE) was a ruler of the Vijayanagara empire...

Action Painting

A style of abstraction where paintings are produced through vigorous and...


Also known as Para Vasudeva, it is a manifestation of the Hindu deity Vi...


A Sanskrit poem on the life of Rishabnath, the first Tirthankara of Jain...


The process of making a cast using a mould taken from a finished sculptu...


A collection of Hindu literary and scriptural texts that establish syste...

Agamic Texts

Meaning “tradition” or “received knowledge” in Sanskrit, the term refers...

Agastya Teertha

A manmade lake in the vicinity of the Badami Cave Temples, it constructe...


The god of fire in the Vedic pantheon and one of the five elements of In...

Ahilyabai Holkar

Ahilyabai Holkar (b. 1767; d. 1795) was a Maratha queen and known for he...


A city in present day Maharashtra founded in 1494 and named after its fo...


Meaning 'belonging to Iravati' or 'produced from water', Airavata is a c...

Aiyanar Sasta

The guardian deity of several folk and Hindu traditions in south India. ...

Ajivika Sect

An early sramana (ascetic) sect led by Makkhali Gosala in the fifth cent...


One of the five Tathagatas or the five transcendental Buddhas in Vajraya...


A religious processional object used by the Shi’a community on Ashura, t...

Albert H Longhurst

Albert H Longhurst (b. 1876; d. 1955) was a British archaeologist and ar...

Albumen Paper

Photographic printing paper that is coated with albumen, or egg white, a...

Alexander Cunningham

Alexander Cunningham (b. 1814; d. 1893) was a British army engineer and ...


An organic compound found in the roots of some madder plants and the cha...

All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society Award

The annual prize conferred by All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society alo...


A ritual Bengali practice of making designs and paintings featuring reli...


A double salt of aluminium and potassium that is used as a mordant in te...


A group of twelve Vaishnavite Tamil poet-saints who advocated for person...

Amar Chitra Katha

A series of Indian comics begun in 1967 by Anant Pai, based on religious...

Ambar Charkha

A version of the traditional charkha which uses multiple spindles as opp...


A principal figure in Pure Land Buddhism, he is one of the five Dhyani B...


Also known as amlikar, it is a needle-embroidered Kashmiri shawl dating ...


Within the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism, Amoghasiddhi i...


A sixteenth-century epic poem in Telugu, authored by the Vijayanagara ki...

Ananda Nilayam

The name of the vimana (the sanctum sanctorum and the tower over it) of ...


Meaning “dance of bliss,” it is a cosmic dance performed by the Hindu de...


A representation of the Hindu god Vishnu, which shows him reclining atop...


Andal, also known as Kotai, was a ninth-century Vaishnava poet-saint act...


A malevolent asura king from the Hindu pantheon who fought a war with Sh...

Aniline Dye

A category of synthetic dyes made with a base material of coal-tar deriv...


It is a belief system that attributes a spiritual essence to plants, ani...

Anne Morrell

An author, textile artist and academic working with histories of textile...


A small antechamber connecting the garbhagriha (inner sanctum) of the te...

Apasmara Purusha

Also known as Muyalaka or Muyalakan, he is a dwarf within Hindu mytholog...


A Shaivite poet-saint from seventh century Tamil Nadu. He was one of the...


Celestial female beings in Buddhist and Hindu cosmology known for their ...


A term referring to the shape of an apse, an architectural element that ...

Archaeological Museum Mohenjo-Daro

A museum in Sindh, Pakistan, established in 1967, which has in its colle...

Architectural Views

A genre of painting that focused predominantly on buildings and their in...


A beam, window or door frame that rises above the stamba or column to pr...


A half-open pillared hall in Hindu temples. The ardhamandapa serves as a...


A composite form of the Hindu god Shiva and his consort Parvati, depicte...


An asana or posture wherein the figure is depicted half-sitting on one f...


An embroidery tool resembling a crochet needle, it comprises an elongate...


A mythical warrior and one of the five Pandava princes in the Mahabharat...

Art & Heritage Foundation

A Kolkata-based non-profit organisation established in 2002 to promote a...

Art Alive Gallery

A Delhi-based gallery found in 2001 by Sunaina Anand. The gallery has sh...

Art Brut

An art movement that emerged after World War II in reaction to academic ...

Art Heritage Gallery

A Delhi-based art gallery established in 1977 by Ebrahim and Roshen Alka...

Art Informel

Coined by French art critic and curator Michel Tapie in 1952, the term s...

Art Nouveau

A cultural movement in art, architecture and applied and decorative arts...

Arts Network Asia (ANA)

Founded in 1999 by Ong Keng Sen, it is an independent organisation compr...

Arun Khopkar

Arun Khopkar (b. 1945) is a Mumbai-based filmmaker and scholar who has m...


The charioteer of Surya, the sun god in Hindu mythology. In iconographic...

Asaf Jahi Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled the kingdom of Hyderabad from 1734 until its depos...


It is the collective term for a set of eight deities –– Kubera, Yama, In...

Asia Society, New York

A non-profit organisation established in 1956 by John D Rockefeller III ...

Asian/Pacific/American Institute

An institute established in 1996 at New York University to focus on rese...

Asiatic Society Of Bengal

An organisation in Kolkata, West Bengal, that holds a vast collection of...

Asiatic Society Of Bombay

An organisation in Mumbai, Maharashtra, that holds over three thousand a...


Art made by assembling disparate elements from everyday or found objects...


A clan of power-seeking figures in the Hindu pantheon. Often mistranslat...


Atisa Dipankara Srijnana (b. 982; d. 1054) was a religious leader and ma...


Aurangzeb (b. 1618; d. 1707) was the sixth Mughal emperor of India. He s...

Axis Mundi

A Latin phrase meaning “world axis” and referring to the centre of the e...


The anthropomorphic representation of divine weapons in the Hindu panthe...


The memoir of Zahiruddin Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire. Writte...

Back Stitch

A variety of the stem or split stitch, wherein individual stitches are m...


A thin, flattened metallic wire that is used as yarn for sewing or embro...


A painter who worked in eighteenth century Rajasthan in the court of Dev...

Bahamani Sultans

Rulers of the Bahmani Sultanate, an Islamic kingdom in the Deccan region...


The Hindu and Sikh solar new year and the spring harvest festival, it is...

Bamiyan Buddha

Two Buddha statues carved into the niche of a cliff in the Bamiyan Valle...

Baptist Coelho

Baptist Coelho (b. 1977) is an artist working across mediums of installa...

Barefoot School of Craft

An architectural project conceptualised by unTAG as a school for the pro...

Bargello Stitches

An embroidery technique in which patterns are made by sewing vertical st...

Baroda Pop

A Pop Art movement established by the artists of the Baroda Group in the...

Bast Fibre

A soft but strong plant-based fibre derived from the inner bark of certa...


A school of art and design founded by German architect Walter Gropius in...


A popular floral motif, it depicts a climber or vine. Also known as Bel ...

Berozgar Mahila Kalyan Sansthan

Established in 1993, it is an initiative founded by women of the Godda d...

Bhagavata Purana

One of the eighteen major Puranas, the Bhagavata Purana is dedicated to ...


The mythical king of the Sagara Dynasty who performed several years of p...


A fierce form or manifestation of the Hindu god, Shiva, he is a guardian...


The consort of Bhairava and a form of Devi, the supreme goddess in Hindu...


Also known as the Medicine Buddha, he is the Buddha of healing and medic...


A set of devotional practices that emerged in South India from the sixth...

Bharat Ratna

Instituted on January 2, 1954, it is India's highest civilian honour, co...

Bharata (Jainism)

In Jain mythology, he is the first chakravartin ("universal emperor") an...


Also known as Jogi Sant Bharthari, he is a popular king from the folk le...


A form of the Hindu goddess Parvati or Parameswari, who is the consort o...


In Hindu mythology, Bhringi is a sage and an attendant of the deity, Shi...


A deity personifying the earth. She is also known as Bhumi Devi and is c...

Bhulabhai Desai Memorial Institute

Established in 1946, it was a site of artistic significance and housed G...


Spirit deities central to the bhuta kola ritual performance of the Tulu ...


In Hindu mythology, it refers to a class of beings who attend to the dei...


The name of the anthropomorphic form of Varaha, an avatar (manifestation...


A bedding or bedsheet typically made of cotton. From the Hindi word bich...

Biennial of Contemporary Indian Art

A prominent exhibition of Indian contemporary art held at the multi-arts...


Bijapure (now Vijayapura) is a city in present-day Karnataka which was f...


A circular symbol resembling and implying a point or a dot. It has sever...


An ancient Indian shading technique wherein the artist retains their bru...


An honorific epithet given to Tamil rulers, musicians, poets and other i...

Bishnupriya Dutt

Bishnupriya Dutt (b. n.d.) is an Indian scholar of theatre studies and p...

Blind Bays

In architecture, a recess or space between two vertical supports that is...


Also known as woodblock printing, it is the process of stamping coloured...


Within the Mahayana tradition of the Buddhist faith, it refers to any fi...

Bodhyagri Mudra

Also known as the bodhyangi mudra, it means the “mudra of the six elemen...

Bombay Art Society Award

An annual award conferred by the Bombay Art Society. The awardees are ch...


A deity in the Hindu pantheon regarded as the creator of the universe, h...


An archaeological site in Chitradurga, Karnataka, that contains evidence...

Brahmi Script

A writing system or script that appeared as a fully developed universal ...

Brahmi And Sundari

Within Jainism, they were the daughters of the first Tirthankara Rishabh...

Brihat Samhita

A Sanskrit text written by the astronomer Varahamihira in the sixth-cent...

British East India Company

A British company which traded commodities such as cotton, indigo, salt,...

Bronze Age

A prehistoric period characterised by the production and use of bronze a...

Brownie Camera

Also known as the Kodak brownie, it is a series of box cameras with a me...


A motif with a raised surface, it is often found in textiles. Cables are...

Calcutta Art Studio

Established in 1878 in Calcutta (now Kolkata) by Ananda Bagchi and four ...

Calico Acts

Passed by the British Parliament in 1700 and 1721, these acts banned the...


An early photographic technique invented by William Henry Fox Talbot, wh...

Camera Lucida

An optical device and precedent to the camera, which was used as an aid ...

Cantoned Pillar

An architectural term used to denote a pillar that emerges at an angle i...


The topmost part of a column, pilaster or pier that joins the square aba...


The process of untangling and cleaning raw plant or animal fibre to prod...

Central Silk Technological Research Institute (CSTRI)

A research institute established in 1983 in Bengaluru, India, to work on...


A length of cloth worn by women as a loose veil or wrap to cover the hea...

Chain Stitch

A decorative embroidery technique in which the stitch consists of consec...

Chaitra Parva

An important festival in Odisha, it translates to "the festival of the m...


A pillared hall leading to a stupa, it doubled as a shrine or a sanctuar...


The sacred symbol of a wheel in Buddhism and Hinduism. In Buddhism, the ...


The personification of Vishnu's discus, the Sudarshan Chakra, as a male ...


An aquatic bird resembling geese or swans that recurs in Buddhist and Hi...


A title referring to an ideal ruler in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu traditio...


A series of notes in a Hindustani raga that summarise its development by...

Chalcolithic Period

The period that marked the transition from Neolithic cultures to the Bro...

Chalukya Dynasty

The name of three major dynasties that ruled over large parts of central...


A term used with reference to Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina religious art, i...


From the Hindi word for the jasmine flower, it is a popular floral motif...


One of the seven matrikas, or forms of the mother goddess Shakti. Chamun...

Chamunda Raya

Chamunda Raya (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a general and minister of the Ganga...

Chand Bibi

Sultana Chand Bibi (b. 1550; d. 1599) was the acting ruler and regent of...

Chand Tara

A motif which combines visual elements of the moon and the stars, used d...


A Sufi romance written in Hindi by the poet Mulla Da'ud during the reign...


A devotee of the Hindu deity Shiva and one of the sixty-three Nayanars, ...


A benevolent form (anugrahamurti) of the Hindu deity Shiva, in which he ...


The lunar deity in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. In Sanskrit, and seve...

Chandragupta II

Chandragupta II (b. n.d. ; d. n.d) was ruler of the Gupta dynasty from 3...

Chandragupta Maurya

Chandragupta Maurya (b. n.d.; d. c. 297 BCE) was the founder of the Maur...


A decorative motif similar to a barrel-vaulted roof, with a circular dor...

Charles Wallace India Trust

It is a British not-for-profit organisation that provides academic grant...

Charlotte Canning

Charlotte Canning (b. 1817; d. 1861) was an artist and the wife of Charl...


A mat comprising four square pieces of cloth joined together, it is a cu...

Chaunsa Khaddar

A handspun and handwoven textile made of fine yarn that is used as a bas...


A town in Tamil Nadu, India, dated to the early Chola period c. second c...


Another name for Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion, he is th...


A dynasty that ruled over areas of present-day Kerala and Tamil Nadu fro...


A technique used in the visual arts to represent strong contrasts of lig...


A lightweight, woven fabric popular for its shimmery and translucent app...

Chin Mudra

A mudra or gesture in South Asian iconographic traditions, in which the ...

Chinese Silk Painting

Paintings on silk practive produced in China as early as the fourth cent...


The European interpretation of Chinese and East Asian decorative arts, d...


A painted room in the form of a gallery commissioned by kings, nobles an...


Located in the Poini river valley, it is a district in the Rayalaseema r...


A painter in nineteenth century Rajasthan who worked in the courts of Me...


A medieval dynasty that ruled over areas of present-day Tamil Nadu. The ...

Cholera Belt

A belt or flat strip made of flannel or wool and tied around the stomach...


A chemical-based printing method for the production of coloured prints u...


A long, scarf-like accessory, it is a multicoloured piece of fabric that...

Clamp-Resist Dyeing

A textile dyeing technique where wooden clamps are used to reserve areas...

Colin Murray

Colin Murray (b. 1840; d. 1884) was a British photographer who worked in...


A printmaking technique in which colour is applied to a printing surface...


A row of columns, typically equidistant from each other and joined by an...

Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886

An exhibition inaugurated on 4 May 1886 at the South Kensington Museum, ...

Colour Field Painting

An abstract painting style categorised within American Expressionism, it...

Combination Printing

An early photographic technique wherein two or more negative images are ...

Conceptual Art

An artistic movement that emerged in the 1960s which prioritised the con...


An early twentieth century artistic and architectural movement that was ...

Cornice Moulding

A horizontal decorative moulding applied to the edges at the top of an i...

Counting Thread Embroidery

A form of embroidery where the warp and weft are uniformly counted, resu...

Cowasji Jehangir

Cowasji Jehangir (b. 1879; d. 1962) was an industrialist and philanthrop...

Cowasji Jehangir Hall

A hall funded by industrialist and philanthropist Sir Cowasji Jehangir i...


Also known as crape, it is a fabric characterised by a rumpled, crimped ...


A type of sewing and embroidery that incorporates x-shaped stitches to c...


A modern art movement developed in the twentieth century by artists such...

Cushion Capital

In architecture, it is a type of crown, which is the top-most part of a ...

Chandrakali Sari

A type of sari made in Ilkal in Karnataka, India, woven in dyed silk and...

Collodion Wet Plate

A nineteenth-century method of producing photographic negatives using a ...


Meaning “small box,” it is a single, squarish motif found in the Rajasth...


A form of popular folk or field song from Chhattisgarh that is typically...


In architecture, it is the space between the base and the pedestal of a ...


A percussion instrument, it is a smaller version of a Persian instrument...

Dalai Lama

The name Dalai Lama is a combination of the Mongolic dalai, meaning "oce...


A gesture in which the arm is presented forward and held straight, like ...


The founder of the Rashtrakuta kingdom, who reigned between c. 735–c. 75...


A municipality in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, known as the site of the Airava...

Darning Stitch

An embroidery technique, in which running stitches are worked in straigh...


A type of block used in textile block-printing. It is carved in complete...

Deccan Heritage Foundation

A charitable organisation established in 2011 that works with the herita...

Delhi Fine Arts Exhibition

An annual exhibition organised by the All India Fine Arts and Crafts Soc...

Department of Curatorship of Ancient Monuments

A short-lived department established by Henry H Cole in 1880 to administ...

Deva Raya II

Deva Raya II (b. n.d.; d. 1446) was a ruler of the Sangama dynasty, whic...


Meaning “divine cloth” in Sanskrit, it is an upper body garment. In Jain...

Devanampriya Priyadarshi

A title used by the emperor Ashoka to refer to himself, it derives from ...


One of the names of the Hindu deity Subrahmanya. The name derives from h...


A Sanskrit term used to denote a goddess or female deity. The word also ...

Devi Mahatmya

Also known as Durga Saptashati, it is one of the foremost texts within t...

Devi Upanishad

A minor Upanishad often classified as one of the eight Shakta Upanishads...

Devi-Bhagavata Purana

Also known as Devi Bhagavatam, it is often categorised as a Mahapurana a...


The Pali word for dharma, it stands for the “the law of nature” or “the ...

Dhamma Mahamatta

A class of officers instituted by the Indian emperor Ashoka during his r...


The personification of Vishnu's bow as a male figure, following the Ayud...


A symbol in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu traditions, it is depicted as the w...


A flower motif based on the dhawadi flower (Woodfordia fruticosa), commo...


A percussion instrument in the Indian subcontinent, it is made of wood, ...


A South Asian percussion instrument, it is a two-headed drum with a wood...


A classification of songs from chapter thirty-two of the Natyashastra, w...


A high column erected at the entrance to a temple or a shrine in Buddhis...


Denoting any of the five celestial and meditative Buddhas — Vairochana, ...


Meaning “sky-robed” in Sanskrit, it is one of two major ideologies withi...


Stone sculptures that developed from ringstones, dated approximately to ...

DLN Reddy

DLN Reddy (b. 1949) is a painter and sculptor who creates figurative wor...

Do Thal

A cave temple in Ellora dating to the eighth century CE and discovered i...


A mechanism attached to a loom that controls warp threads to allow for t...


A form of Indian poetry, it is a self-contained rhyming couplet consisti...

Domingo Paes

Domingo Paes (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a Portuguese horse trader who visite...

Doric Order

Originating in western Greece, it is oldest of the three orders of the c...


A triangular or cylindrical projection from a roof that usually contains...


A textile with double-sided design, typically seen in Kani weaving and k...

Double Running Stitch

A form of running stitch that is even on both sides of the fabric, used ...


A technique of tapestry weaving wherein two differently coloured weft th...


An architectural or design element consisting of two scroll-shaped ornam...


A method of tapestry weaving where wefts of two different colours are wo...


The mythical heroine of the Mahabharata, Draupadi was the daughter of Ki...

Dro Clan

A prominent Tibetan family from the ninth century, based in Kokonor (pre...


In the epic Mahabharata, the ruler of Southern Panchala and the father o...


Within Islamic tradition, one of the beloved mules of the Prophet Muhamm...


The Hindu goddess of war, identified as the principal form of the goddes...

Dutch East India Company

Founded in 1602, the United East India Company or Vereenigde Oost Indisc...

Early Harappan Phase

The early period of the Indus Valley Civilisation that lasted from 3300–...

Early Historic Period

The period between 600 BCE and 300 BCE. In the Indian subcontinent, it w...

Early Western Chalukya

Also known as the Badami Chalukyas, the dynasty ruled over parts of pres...


Art that is made by shaping or making forms on land or by using natural ...

Eastern Ganga Dynasty

Also known as the Rudhi or the Prachya Gangas, this is an early medieval...

Eberhard Fischer

Eberhard Fischer (b. 1941) is a German art historian, ethnologist and au...

Edgar Thurston

Edgar Thurston (b. 1855; d. 1935) was a British medical officer who cont...

Egmore Museum Theatre

A theatre in Chennai constructed in 1896 by the British as a replica of ...


An epithet for one of Alokiteshwara’s forms, it is Sanskrit for "the one...


A South Asian stringed instrument, it consists of a single string, a gou...

En Plein Air

Meaning “in open air” in French, it is the style of creating a finished ...

Engine Oil Painting

Paintings made using engine oil as the pigment binder, instead of typica...


A transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from negati...


A horizontal band resting on pillar capitals, they are divided into thre...


The process of using a mordant or acid to cut into exposed areas of a me...

Ethnographic Study

A qualitative method of research within the field of anthropology that i...

European Realism

A movement originating in France in the 1840s, which rejected then-preva...


A modernist art movement that emerged in Europe in the early twentieth c...

Extra Weft

Also known as the supplementary weft technique, it is a design method wh...


A broad term used for fine glazed pottery made after the nineteenth cent...

Fardi Ka Kaam

A type of mukaish embroidery in which short lengths of metallic wire are...

Fast Forward: Women In Photography

An project aimed at engaging with women in photography, instituted in 20...


A style of painting popular in France in the early years of the twentiet...

Film And Television Institute Of India

A film institute established in 1960 that falls under the auspices of th...


A genre of paintings associated with the Patna School, which depicted pe...

Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Firuz Shah Tughlaq (b.1309; d.1388) was a Tughlaq dynasty ruler who reig...

Fixed Heddle Loom

Also known as rigid heddle looms, they feature a single shaft wherein he...


From the French fleur, meaning "flower," and lis, meaning "lily," it is ...


Decorative ridges or grooves that are carved along the shaft of a column...

Fo Oertel

Friedrich Oscar Oertel (b.1862; d.1942) was a German engineer and archae...


Could refer to either the leaf or page of a manuscript or a method of ar...

Folk Art Museum, Sonargaon

A museum dedicated to the folk arts and crafts of Bangladesh, located in...


An approach to art which emphasises aspects of form, such as line, shape...

Four-Shaft Pit Loom

A pit loom with four shafts or harnesses that support the healds through...

Foy Nissen

Foy Nissen (b. 1931; d. 2018) was a writer and historian. From 1962 onwa...

Frame Loom

Made of rods and boards fixed at right angles, it is a compact, box-shap...

French East India Company

Founded in 1664 to counter the growing influence of the British and the ...


A mural painting technique where water-based pigments are applied over w...

Fresco Buono

Literally meaning “true fresh” in Italian, it is a painting technique in...


The central section of the entablature (a capital on the top of a pillar...


An avant-garde artistic movement that emphasised speed, technology, viol...


The anthropomorphic representation of Vishnu’s gada or mace, held in one...


Also spelt gad, it is a type of block used in textile block-printing. Th...

Gaekwads of Baroda

A royal family of the Maratha confederacy, who ruled the Princely State ...

Gahadavala Dynasty

Established by the king Yashovigraha, this dynasty ruled parts of presen...

Gaja Hasta

A single-handed gesture in South Asian iconography in which the palm is ...


One of the Ashtalakshmi representations of the Hindu deity Lakshmi, the ...

Gajantaka Shiva

An incarnation of Shiva as the killer of the elephant demon Gajasura. It...


A dynasty that ruled over territories corresponding to parts of present-...


A form of Shiva as a samharamurti (destructive aspect), which shows him ...


A figure in the Gajendramoksha episode of Hindu mythology, Gajendra was ...


An episode in Hindu mythology central to the Vaishnava sect, it narrates...


In Hindu mythology, they are attendants of Shiva who live with him on Mo...


An ancient region that occupied parts of present-day northwestern Pakist...


Celestial beings in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist mythology. They are depicte...


An epithet for the Hindu deity Shiva, meaning "the one who carries Ganga...


A village in present-day Tamil Nadu which served as the capital city of ...


A colloquial term for a coarse, textured cotton fabric.


Literally translating to "womb chamber," it is the innermost sanctuary i...


A winged creature in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu mythology. He is the mount...


A Tibetan Buddhist monastic order, founded by Je Tsongkhapa in the early...

Geometric Abstraction

A form of abstract art that uses geometric forms, usually in a non-illus...

George Curzon

George Curzon (b. 1859; d. 1925) was a British statesman who served as t...


A lightweight, sheer fabric made of fine silk, it is named after the Fre...

German Expressionism

An art movement that emerged in early twentieth-century Germany, charact...


Also known as gharchola or ghatchola in Gujarati and Kutchi, it means “a...


An object that is covered with a thin layer of gold, often used in jewel...


The process of removing debris and dirt from raw cotton fibre, either ma...

Gita Govinda

A Sanskrit poetic epic that describes the love between the Hindu god Kri...

Glass Plate Negative

A photographic negative produced using a glass plate coated with a light...


An ancient dynasty from Kashmir that is referred to in the twelfth centu...


A group of women significant to the worship of the Hindu deity Krishna, ...


An opaque water-soluble paint that contains a gum binder and a white pig...

Goutam Ghosh

Goutam Ghosh (b. 1979) is painter who creates abstract work that draws f...

Gram Art Project

A collective of famers, artists and makers in Paradsinga village in Madh...

Great Exhibition of 1851

Also known as The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Natio...

Great Trigonometric Survey of India

A project undertaken by the British military under the East India Compan...

Griselda Pollock

Griselda Pollock (b. 1949) is a British-Canadian art historian and cultu...

Grosvenor Vadehra

A joint venture between the Delhi-based Vadehra Art Gallery and the Lond...


A long, rigid hydraulic structure constructed perpendicular to the seash...

Gul Buta

A rose motif that appears in block-printed textiles of Rajasthan, it der...


A motif depicting flowers in a vase, popularly found in textiles such as...

Gum Arabic

A naturally occuring gum obtained from the hardened sap of the Acacia se...


A festival of the Sikh religion, which marks important events in the liv...

Guru Nanak

The first of the ten Sikh gurus, Guru Nanak (b. 1469, d. 1539) was the f...

Gelatin Dry Plate

A method of producing photographic negatives that emerged in the 1880s, ...


An important religious text within Islam, it is a record of the traditio...

Hajjani Jetun Bi

Hajjani Jetun Bi (b. n.d.) is an Indian master practitioner of Bagh prin...

Half-and-Half Style

A sari style characterised by contrasting colours or patterns in its two...


An ancient city in Karnataka, India, it was the capital of the Vijayanag...


An aquatic migratory bird associated with geese or swans in Sanskrit lit...

Hand Stencil

The technique of imprinting human hands on rock surfaces, found in Prehi...

Hanji Paper

A traditional Korean handmade paper produced using the inner bark of the...


A unit of measure in the textile industry, it describes a coiled or wrap...


A precursor of performance art, they are events or situations where the ...

Harappa Museum, Punjab

A museum in Punjab, Pakistan, that houses artefacts from the Indus Valle...


The fruit of the black myrobalan plant (Terminalia Chebula), it is used ...


A deity who represents the combined aspects of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (...


In Tibetan and Tantric Buddhism, he is one of the manifestations of the ...


A ruler of the Vakataka Dynasty who reigned in the late fifth century CE...


An Indian stringed instrument shaped like a portable wooden box with key...

Harry Barr

A captain of the eighth Bombay Native Infantry and the first president o...

Hasta Shilpa Evam Hathkargha Vikas Nigam

A textile manufacturing company located in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. It w...


The horse-headed avatar of Vishnu, he is the deity of knowledge and wisd...


Also known as a heald wire or heddle, it is the part of the loom through...


An epic love story popular in the Punjab region across present-day Pakis...


A hill near Hampi, Karnataka, it is the site of the oldest and best-pres...

Henry Cole

Sir Henry Cole (b. 1808; d. 1882) was a civil servant, inventor and indu...

Henry Daly

Henry Daly (b. 1823; d. 1895) was a British Indian army officer who serv...


Also known as the White Huns, they were a predominantly nomadic set of p...

Herringbone Stitch

A needlework technique that uses stitches resembling bones extending fro...

Herwitz Collection of Modern & Contemporary Indian Art

A body of artwork collected by Chester and Davida Herwitz, which include...

High Relief

Also known as alto-relievo, it is a technique of relief sculpting where ...


A type of garment worn by men and women in ancient Greece, it was an uns...


In Hindu mythology, Himavat is the lord of the mountains and the father ...


A term coined by the Mahayana Buddhist tradition to denote followers of ...


A Sanskrit term meaning “golden.”

Hollowed Bone

A tool made from shaping human or animal bone and used by prehistoric pe...


A dynasty that ruled over the southern Deccan in India between the eleve...


A term coined in the nineteenth century to describe philosophical doctri...


The solar dynasty (Suryavansha) founded by King Ikshvaku. It finds menti...

Ikshvaku Architecture

Architecture patronised by the rulers of the Ikshvaku dynasty (c. fourth...


A technique in painting, sculpture and architecture where the artwork si...


A painting technique in which paint is thickly applied to the canvas, cr...

India House, London

The premises of the High Commission of India in London, UK. The proposal...

India Ink

Also known as Chinese ink or Indian ink, it is a black pigment commonly ...

India International Centre

A convention centre in New Delhi, India, known for organising lectures a...

India International Photographic Council

An international photography organisation established in 1983 in New Del...

India Office Records, British Library

The publications, printed maps, archive and public records of the East I...

Indian Amateur’s Photographic Album

A monthly periodical produced by William Johnson and William Henderson a...

Indian Printmakers Guild

An organisation established in 1990 to generate interest in printmaking ...

Indo-Greek Sculpture

Sculptural art characterised by the merging of Indian and Hellenistic tr...

Indoo Shivdasani

Indoo Shivdasani (b. 1918; d. 1979) was a businessman and philanthropist...


A major Vedic deity, he is believed to be the king of the realm of gods ...

Indus Valley Civilisation

A Bronze Age civilisation located along the basin of the Indus river, in...

Inlaks Fine Art Award

An award given annually by the Inlaks Foundation to four or five emergin...


An ornamentation technique in sculpture and the decorative arts, where w...


Similar to multimedia art, this is a term used to describe interdiscipli...

Ionic Style

One of the three canonical orders of Western Classical architecture, it ...

Ira Bhaskar

An Indian scholar of film studies, as well as a professor and former dea...

Ish Sherawat

An artist working with sound and electronic media. His projects include ...

Ismail Suleiman Khatri

Ismail Suleiman Khatri (b. 1937; d. 2014) was an Indian master practitio...


The depiction of a figure, usually a deity, with an erect phallus. This ...


Latticed screen windows often found in Islamic architecture, typically m...

Jagannatha Murlidhar Ahivasi

Jagannatha Murlidhar Ahivasi (b. 1901; d. 1973) was an Indian artist and...


A floor mat or rug used for namaz or daily prayer in mosques. From the P...

Jairam Das

An artist in nineteenth-century Patna, who painted topographical views a...

Jaishri Abichandani

Jaishri Abichandani (b. 1966) is a Brooklyn-based artist and curator wor...

Jambavati Kalyanam

A sixteenth-century Sanskrit play authored by the Vijayanagara ruler Kri...

Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy

Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy (b. 1783; d. 1859) was an Indian businessman and phi...


In the Indian epic Ramayana, the father of Sita and father-in-law of Ram...


The sacred thread worn Brahmin men after initiation rites of upanayana, ...


Also known as jaal, it is a rich, dense scrolling pattern of floral and ...

Japanese Ink Wash Technique

Known as sumi-e (black ink painting) in Japanese, it is a painting techn...


A large collection of approximately 550 stories about the Buddha’s forme...


A hairstyle or headdress in the Indian iconographic tradition in which l...


A hairstyle made of braided, matted or curled hair that is also lavishly...

Jati Dor

A local plant found in Odisha, its inner bark is used by the women of th...


In Hindu religious mythology, he is an attendant of the deity Vishnu. Al...

Jaykumar Shankar

An artist specialising in handpainting monochrome photographs. In additi...

JC Harle

JC Harle is an English art historian specialising in South Indian art an...


A loose-fitting blouse worn by women as part of an ensemble. It also ref...


A strip of brightly coloured paper, cloth or plastic that is used to cra...


Also known as Tirthankaras, jinas are teachers and guides who lead their...

Jivan Ram

A nineteenth century artist who worked between Delhi, Meerut and Patna a...


Meaning “pair," it is a set of garments comprising a chadar (shawl) and ...

John Forbes Watson

John Forbes Watson (b.1827; d.1892) was a physician and writer. Watson s...

John Murray

A Scottish-born doctor who started making photographs c. 1849, while wor...

John Wilson

John Wilson (b. 1804; d. 1875) was a Scottish Christian missionary, educ...

Journal of the Photographic Society of Bombay

A monthly journal established by the Photographic Society of Bombay in 1...


An aniconic representation of the Hindu deity Shiva in the form of a lin...


A floral motif, it resembles a green mango with a slightly curved tip. A...


A demon in Hindu mythology who emerged from Vishnu's earwax and was kill...

Kajli Siyahi

A technique associated with the Patna School, where paintings are render...

Kala Ratna

Established in 1988, Kala Ratna is awarded by the All India Fine Arts an...

Kalachuri Dynasty

A name adopted by three major Indian dynasties. The earliest known Kalac...


A temple dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva, located in the town of Kala...


Also known as Dakshina Kalika, she is a Hindu goddess and aspect of Shak...

Kalinga War

A war fought between the independent kingdom of Kalinga and the Mauryan ...


Also known as the kalpataru or kalpadruma, it is a sacred, wish-granting...

Kalyana Mandapa

A pavilion found within a temple complex that is used to celebrate the d...


In Hinduism, Kama is the god of love and desire. Some of his iconographi...

Kamadahana Panel

A depiction of the mythological episode of the Kamadahana, which means “...

Kamala Dongerkery

Kamala Dongerkery (b. 1909; d.1992) was an art and culture historian, so...


An ancient Sanskrit text on sexuality and eroticism, dating to c. 400 BC...

Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscription

A bilingual edict, written in Greek and Aramaic, dating to c. 260 BCE. I...


Kanha (b. n.d.; d. c. 1590) was a miniature painter in the court of Mugh...


A term referring to both the weaving technique and the final textile cre...


Kanishka (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was the third emperor of the Kushan Empire (...


A sacred text of the Tibetan Buddhist canon that outlines the principles...


A form of the Hindu deity, Shiva, in which he is shown with a kankala-da...

Kapil Jariwala

Kapil Jariwala (b. n.d.) is an independent curator and art dealer. He es...


In Indian temple architecture, it is a style of decorative moulding seen...

Karanda Makuta

A conical, multi-tiered headdress or crown found in Indian iconographic ...


A regional term used in parts of northern, central and western India to ...


A philosophical concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, and ...

Karva Chauth

A Hindu festival, it is primarily celebrated by women in northern India ...


The gold zari used in the border of a traditional white Kerala textile, ...

Kashika Vastra

Meaning “clothes from Kashi” in Sanskrit, it is a possible reference to ...

Kataka Hasta

A single-handed mudra or gesture in the South Asian iconographic traditi...


The process of trimming extra threads on the reverse side of a brocade a...

Katyavalambita Mudra

A single-handed mudra or gesture found in South Asian iconographic tradi...


Kaurvaki (b. 288 BCE; d. n.d.) was the second queen of the Mauryan king ...


The seniormost queen of King Dasaratha, she appears in the Hindu epic Ra...

Kayotsarga Pose

A meditation posture in Jainism, it is frequently observed in artistic d...

Kerala Kalapeedam, Kochi

An arts institution and cultural space established in 1978 in Kochi, Ker...

Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi

Founded in 1958 and located in Thrissur, it is an arts and culture insti...


A coarse bark cloth made by women of the Gadaba community in Odisha. The...


A concept in Jainism that pertains to omniscience or the attainment of s...


The anthropomorphic representation of Vishnu's sword as a male figure, f...

Khadi Paper

A traditional Indian handmade paper produced from khadi rags.

Khanzada Begum

Khanzada Begum (b. c.1478; d. 1545) was the elder sister of the Mughal e...

Khapa Sari

Also known as patiya sari, it is a tussar silk sari characterised by ext...


An ancient writing system used in parts of present-day central Asia, Afg...


An esoteric form of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara that emerged due to t...


A motif found predominantly in kota doria, which uses cotton as warp and...


A community of predominantly Kshatriya Hindus, as well as Muslims and Si...


A loose, long-sleeved outer robe made of silk or cotton, commonly worn i...


An odhani (veil) worn by brides of the Khatri community and Muslim commu...


Meaning “little dream,” it is a woven brocade, characterised by a dense ...


A celestial being in Buddhist and Hindu texts, legends and art, depicted...


A Sanskrit term for people inhabiting areas in the Himalayas and the nor...

Kishore Singh

A critic and curator with the Delhi Art Gallery. At the time of writing,...

KL Syed

KL Syed (b. 1880; d. 1941) was a photographer who served as the official...


An art form practised in Tamil Nadu that consists of lines, loops and cu...

Konagamana Buddha

The twenty-third Buddha in the Theravada Buddhist tradition and the fift...


A motif placed at the corner of a textile design. It is often a stylised...


One of the earliest documented deities in Tamil Sangam literature, she i...


A form of the Hindu goddess Durga, she is a tutelary deity of the Daitya...


Commonly found in sari designs of Tamil Nadu, it is a pattern characteri...


A major deity of the Vaishnavite tradition and the eighth avatar of Vish...

Krishna Mandapa

A open-air bas relief sculpture in Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, attributed ...

Krishna’s Lila

Anecdotes and narratives around the life of the Hindu god Krishna. The s...

Krishnadeva Raya

Krishnadevaraya (b. n.d.; d. 1529 CE) was one of the most celebrated rul...

Krishnaraja Wadiyar

Krishnaraja Wadiyar (b. 1884; d. 1940) was the ruler of the Mysore princ...


The title given to local governors who administered territories in sever...


A ruler of the yakshas (nature spirits) and a guardian deity in Hindu, B...


The Tamil term for an arch that is shaped like a horse-shoe. It is also ...

Kufic Script

The earliest extant Islamic script, historically preferred for use in th...


The tutelary deity of a family or a clan. The term is derived from the S...

Kundalini Yoga

A form of yoga, it is focussed on activating the kundalini ("coiled snak...

Kurkihar Hoard

A hoard of 226 bronzes dating between the ninth and twelfth centuries an...


Literally meaning "tortoise" in Sanskrit, it is second of the dashavatar...

Kushan Empire

A syncretic empire founded in the Bactrian region of central Asia around...


A type of roof in Dravida temple architecture shaped like a hut, with a ...


A bull elephant from Puranic mythology and the state elephant of Kamsa, ...

Laal Paar

Woven in cotton or tussar silk, it is a sari with a broad red border and...

Lai Haraoba

A music and dance festival associated with the Meitei people of Manipur,...

Laila Majnun

A seventh-century Arabic tale that narrates the love story of the poet Q...

Lakeeren Contemporary Art Gallery

A Mumbai-based gallery of contemporary art, founded by 1995 and led by a...


A deity in the Hindu pantheon, she is the consort of Vishnu, is consider...


A proponent of the Shaivite cult, Lakulisha is often considered the foun...

Lalit Kala Akademi Award

An annual award given by the Lalit Kala Akademi that recognises artists ...


A pose found depicted in the religious art of Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhis...

Lamprey’s Grid

A grid system developed in 1869 by John H Lamprey that was used to photo...

Large Format Camera

Film cameras that produce images that are 9 cm x 12 cm or larger.

Late Harappan Phase

The last phase of the Indus Valley Civilisation that lasted from c. 1900...

Lease Rod

A tool used to separate warp yarn threads and keep them in their place i...

Lepel Griffin

Lepel Griffin (b. 1838; d. 1908) was a British diplomat, photographer an...


An abstract representation of the Hindu deity Shiva, it is the primary i...


The round, disc-shaped pedestal on which a linga is traditionally mounte...


In Hindu temple architecture, it the pedestal upon which a lingam, the a...


A printmaking process in which a design is carved in relief on a sheet o...


A term often used synonymously with minimalism, it refers to a style of ...

Living Rock

Rock that is part of a natural geologic feature, such as a cliff, cave o...

Lohori Running Stitch

A form of kantha embroidery that is characterised by running stitches th...


In Vajrayana Buddhism, one of the forms of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvar...

Lokesh Ghai

An artist and researcher based in Dehradun and Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is...


A design element shaped like an inverted lotus. It is an important icono...

Lotus Sutra

A collection of scriptures associated with Mahayana Buddhism, which infl...

Low Relief

Also known as bas-relief or basso-relievo, it is a form of relief sculpt...


A historical site in present-day Nepal considered to be the birthplace o...


A shiny, synthetic yarn made from aluminium-coated plastic, which lends ...

Lyrical Abstraction

Romantic, expressive and abstract paintings made using loose and gestura...

Madho Sarup Vats

Madho Sarup Vats (b.1896; d.1955) was an Indian archaeologist and Sanskr...


A demon in Hindu mythology who is said to have originated from the earwa...

Madras Literary Society

Founded in 1817 by Sir John Henry Newbolt, then Chief Justice of Madras,...


An institution of higher learning in the Islamic thought. In its earlies...


A city in Tamil Nadu which served as the capital of the Pandya dynasty (...

Magadha Empire

A kingdom that ruled over large parts of the Indian subcontinent between...

Magic Lantern Projector

An early image projector developed in the seventeenth century, where pic...

Magiciens de la Terre

A landmark exhibition of contemporary art held in 1989 at the Centre Geo...


A Daitya king and the grandson of Prahalad, he is mentioned in a number ...


The longest Indian epic poem, traditionally attributed to the legendary ...


Sixteen ancient kingdoms and republics across north and north-western So...


A deity common to Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism, whose name is composed...


The Goddess of time and death, she is a major deity in Shaivism and Tant...

Mahakapi Jataka

One of the Jataka tales, it tells the story of the bodhisattva's life as...


A pillared pavilion or hall found in Dravida temples. Typically the larg...


A ten-day public celebration of the Hindu festival of Navaratri, which w...

Maharaja Jai Singh III

Maharaja Jai Singh III (b. 1819; d. 1835) was the ruler of the Jaipur pr...


A term used in Tibetan and Tantric Buddhism for someone who embodied the...

Mahavastu Avadana

A text of the Lokottaravada school of early Buddhism, it was written in ...


A group of ten goddesses from the Tantric Hindu pantheon, consisting of ...


The largest sect of Buddhism in the world, it is characterised by the re...


An epithet for the Hindu god Shiva where he is represented as an ascetic...

Mahendra Style

The style of cave temple architecture developed under the patronage of t...


A shape-shifting figure in Hindu mythology, usually depicted with the he...


The equivalent of the Capricorn Zodiac sign within Hindu astrology, it i...

Malik Ambar

Malik Ambar (b. 1548; d. 1626) was a military leader and prime minister ...

Maliya Ro Fatiya

Named after the agrarian Mali caste, it is a collection of motifs that a...


A pillared hallway characteristic of Dravida temple architecture, used f...


According to Hindu mythology, Mandhata was the son and heir of Yuvanshva...

Mangalabai Thampuratty

Mangalabai Thampuratty (c. 1865–1954) was a painter and sister to Raja R...


Mangalesha (r. 598–610 CE) was a king of the Badami Chalukya dynasty, wh...


An Indian idiophonic instrument whose simplest form consists of a pair o...


Also known as Manjughosa and Vaigsvara, he is a bodhisattva who is assoc...


The Tamil term for the mango-shaped motif that is also known as kairi an...

Manushi Buddhas

A Buddha in human form, they attain enlightenment once they perform thei...


A small-scale model of a larger sculpture, it is a type of preliminary o...


The deity of death and temptation within Buddhist cosmology, he is a dem...


An empire originating in present-day Maharashtra in western India, it ex...


An archaeological site in the district of Raichur, Karnataka, famous for...


In Jaina religious art, a yaksha (nature spirit) who is an attendant of ...


A sari with a plain, broad border without patterns or embroidery and wov...


A city in Uttar Pradesh that contains archaeological remains from the el...

Mato Ro Fatiya

A family of motifs commonly found in the block-printed Balotra textiles ...


Meaning “fish” in Sanskrit, it is the first of ten avatars of the Hindu ...

Mature Harappan Phase

The mature period of the Indus Valley Civilisation that lasted from 2600...

Mazhar Ali Khan

An artist in nineteenth century Delhi, Mazhar Ali Khan is best known for...

Medieval Period

The period between the seventh century CE to the mid-sixteenth century, ...

Medium Format Camera

Film cameras that produce images larger than 24 mm x 36 mm but smaller t...

Meenakshi Temple Art Museum

Established in 1966, it is an exhibition space within the Thousand-Pilla...

Meenakshi Thirukalyanam

A temple festival held annually at the Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, Tami...


Megasthenes (b. c. 350 BCE; d. c. 290 BCE) was an ancient Greek historia...

Mehrangarh Museum Trust

Established in 1972, it is a cultural institution and museum located wit...

Mesolithic Period

The period between Upper Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, characterise...


A niche in the wall of a mosque which indicates the qibla (direction of ...


Sculptures of amorous couples embracing or engaged in intercourse, usual...


The Hindi term for “cobbler,” it refers to a maker and mender of footwea...


A cultural and philosophical movement that originated in western Europe ...


Fibre derived from the hair of Angora goats, it is used to make mohair y...


An archaeological site located in present-day Sindh, Pakistan, and dated...


The only female form of Vishnu and the deity of enchantment in the Hindu...


Also called vimoksha, vimukti, mukti and nirvana, it is an Indian philos...


Meaning “shirt” or “clothing,” it is a traditional textile made in rever...


A structure that is excavated or carved out of a single block of rock. T...


Mordant is a substance that allows natural textile dyes to bond or faste...

Mount Mandara

In Hindu mythology, the name of the mountain that appears in the mytholo...


An Indian percussion instrument, the mridangam is a two-headed drum with...

Mrigashirsa Mudra

A single-handed gesture in South Asian iconography in which the thumb an...

Mrs CB Young

A photographer and one of the three women members, along with Mrs T Thom...

Mrs T Thompson

A photographer and one of the three women members, along with Mrs CB You...


A design element in Kandagi and Kanjivaram saris, featuring three colours.


Originating from the Sanskrit word for "seal" or "mark," it is a symbol ...


An online store based out of Meghalaya established in 2019 that manufact...


A variant of badla embroidery in which metallic wires are sewn onto the ...


In Jaina religious art, it is a motif featuring a three-tiered divine um...

Multi-Ply Yarn

Yarn that consists of two or more threads twisted together. Plied yarn p...


An album containing miniature paintings and calligraphic manuscripts, bo...

Murshid Quli Khan

Murshid Quli Khan (b. c.1660; d.1727) was the first Nawab of Bengal. He ...


Murtaza Nizam Shah (r. 1565–88) was the eldest son of Hussain Nizam Shah...


A form of decorative floor art from Odisha in eastern India, it is a col...


An alternate name to describe the anandatandava, the cosmic dance of Nat...

Nagali Sagar

Also called Nigliva, it is an archaeological site located about 20 kilom...

Nagara (instrument)

A percussion hand drum used across India, consisting of a half-spherical...

Nagara Style

A style of Hindu temple architecture commonly found in northern and cent...


Minor female semi-divine, half-human half-serpent creatures in Buddhist,...


Also known as a jala, it is an arrangement of threads that maps the desi...


A Buddhist monastic university in the ancient state of Magadha (in prese...


The vahana (mount) of the Hindu deity, Shiva, he is represented in the f...

Nandita Jaishankar

The founding editor and publisher of PIX Quarterly, Jaishankar is associ...


A Pallava ruler who succeeded Permeshvaraverman II and ruled over parts ...


Nanha (b. n.d.; d. 1635) was a miniature painter in the courts of the Mu...


The designer of the naqsha (map or design plan) of Banarasi brocade. The...


A term used to refer to both Arjuna and Krishna in the Mahabharata. It h...


One of the ten avatars of the Hindu deity Vishnu, he is depicted with th...

Narasimha II

Narasimha II (b. n.d. ; d. 1505 ; r. 1491-1505) was a ruler of the Saluv...

Narasimhavarman II

Also called Rajasimha, he was a ruler of the Pallava Dynasty and ruled p...

Narrative-Figurative Art

A tendency in early Modernist painting in India, marked by the presence ...


A style of Persian calligraphy that originated in Timurid Iran and gaine...

National Art Treasure

The works of nine artists, namely, Abanindranath Tagore, Amrita Sher-Gil...

National Litho Press, Sivakasi

Established in the 1920s by KSA Arunagiri Nadar, it was a commercial lit...

National Monument

Also termed Monument of National Importance, this is a designation confe...


A painterly style where elements are depicted in their natural setting, ...

Nautch Girls

A term used for female dancers who performed nautch (a dance related to ...


Meaning “nine planets” in Sanskrit, it is a grouping of astronomical bod...


The governors of the Vijayanagara Kingdom, who declared independence aft...


A group of sixty-three Shaivite poet-saints in Tamil Nadu between the th...


The heroine in dramatic representation, as outlined in the Natyashastra,...

Needle Lace

A lace-making technique wherein a needle and thread work through several...


From the Sanskrit word nilakanta, meaning "blue throat," this is an epit...


A late nineteenth-century movement in French painting that opposed the e...


A cultural movement in Britain during the 1930s and '40s which was influ...


An eighteenth century cultural movement that drew inspiration from the a...

Neolithic Period

The period succeeding the Paleolithic and the Mesolithic periods, dated ...


The treasure of the Hindu god of wealth, Kubera. Also known as navanidhi...

Nihaal Faizal

Nihaal Faizal is a Bengaluru-based artist and founder of Reliable Copy, ...


Nimatnama-i-Nasiruddin-Shahi (Book of Delicacies of Nasir-ud-Din Shah) w...

Nina Sabnani

An Indian artist and storyteller who uses film, animation and illustrati...

Nizam Shah

Nizam Shah was a ruler of the Ahmednagar Sultanate from 1553 until his d...

Non-Fungible Tokens

A unique digital certificate or token that authenticates the ownership o...


The term used for a deity’s dancing form in Hindu religious iconography....


Meaning "dance, act on stage or play" in Sanskrit, it may be used to ref...

Offset Oleography

A process of producing multicoloured prints using the offset technique. ...

Offset Printing

A printing technique in which an inked image is impressed on a rubber cy...

Olivia Arthur

Olivia Arthur (b. 1980) is a British photographer known for her portrait...

Open Sculptures

Sculptures which have an opening and are not a solid mass. These sculptu...


In textile production, it is the practice of dyeing a fabric or yarn tha...

Paadal Petra Sthalam

A group of 275 shrines dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva and concentrat...

Padma Bhushan

The third-highest civilian award in India, awarded for distinguished ser...

Padma Vibhushan

The second-highest civilian award in India, awarded for distinguished se...


One of the nine nidhis (treasures) of Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth, P...


Literally meaning the "lotus bearer," it is another form of the bodhisat...


A Tantric master in Vajrayana Buddhism considered to have disseminated V...


A sasana devi or protector goddess of Parshwanatha, the twenty third Tir...


The illustrated official history of the reign of the Mughal emperor Shah...

Painted Photography

Monochrome photographs handpainted with colour, often to heighten the de...

Pala Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled over Bengal and Bihar from the eighth to the twelft...


Also called the Old Stone Age, this is the period of human history marke...

Palden Lhamo

A wrathful female deity in Tantric Buddhism who is considered to be a dh...


A fence or defensive wall made of closely packed wooden or iron stakes o...

Pallava Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled major parts of present-day Tamil Nadu from the late...


A Shaivite temple or shrine constructed in the cemetery of a ruler or me...


The end-piece of a sari, it typically hangs loose when draped over the s...


A female Hindu deity originally worshipped as a local river goddess in t...


The five cosmic acts or duties of the Hindu deity Shiva, as embodied in ...


A layout in traditional Hindu temple architecture in which the central s...


The protagonists of the Indian epic Mahabharata, they are the five sons ...


A dynasty that ruled over areas of present-day Tamil Nadu and had their ...


A rite performed during a Hindu wedding ceremony in which the groom hold...

Paper Negative

A photographic negative created on paper, rather than on modern cellulos...


Meaning “chewed paper” in French, it is a composite material made of pul...


A Buddhist term for characteristics and noble qualities associated with ...


The sixth avatar or incarnation of the deity Vishnu, he is known for his...

Parmeshvaravarman I

Pallava king who ruled in southern India from 670–95 CE. He ascended the...


Parshvanatha (b. c. 872 BCE; d. c. 772 BCE) was the twenty-third Tirthan...

Parthian Shot

A cavalry technique wherein the horse-rider would retreat while the arch...


Meaning “king of the mountains” in Sanskrit, it is an epithet that refer...


Composed of two parts — paryanka, meaning "bed" or "couch", and asana me...


An epithet originally used for the Vedic deity Rudra and now denoting on...


A style associated with postmodern trends in visual art, music and liter...


A destructive weapon attributed to the Hindu deities Shiva, Kali and Mah...


A long, embroidered sash worn around the waist that was an essential par...

Patna Museum

The state museum of Bihar, established in 1917 by the British government...


A Sanskrit term meaning "cloth."


Located in present-day Karnataka, it was a capital and coronation site o...


Skilled artisan involved in the process of making Benarasi brocade texti...


An artisanal community from the eastern states of the Indian subcontinen...


Also known as Bodhi tree or sacred fig tree, it is significant in Buddhi...


A variant of the Rajasthani piliyo, it is a tie-dyed odhani (veil) worn ...


A row of pillars surrounding an enclosed space or enclosing an open spac...

Persian Knot

Also known as a Senneh knot, it is a technique of hand-knotting found in...


The head of the advisory council of the Maratha kingdom. While it was or...


A form of prehistoric art created by engraving images onto rock surfaces...

Phoda Kumbha

A temple motif common to several sari-weaving traditions of Odisha, it c...

Photographic and Lithographic Office of the Survey of India

A department within the Survey of India that was responsible for making ...


A process of creating collages of photographs to create a composite imag...


A genre of painting, drawing and graphics where the image is produced af...


An aesthetic movement in photography during the late nineteenth and earl...


An aesthetic category accorded to pictures that have an agreeable and ap...

Pietra Dura

A form of mosaic work wherein hard semi-precious stones are inlaid onto ...


A decorative architectural motif where a narrow portion of the wall proj...


Also called piliya, it is a traditional tie-dyed odhani (veil) worn by w...


In Hindu temples, it is the platform used to install idols inside the ga...


A small circular hole used in optics and photography as an aperture for ...


A type of embellishment or trim in which a folded strip of cloth is sewn...


A wooden or plastic rod on which weft yarn is wound for use in a loom. T...

Pithora Dev

A deity of marriage, worshipped in parts of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, ...

Place For People Exhibition

A 1981 exhibition of art that took place at Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi a...

Plain Weave

Also known as tabby weave, it is the most common weave in textiles. In t...

Plaster of Paris

A material used in architectural ornamentation, art and medicine. Made o...

Plate Camera

A camera with a single piece of glass or loaded with single pieces of fi...


Also known as Divisionism or Chromoluminarism, it is a technique in pain...

Poona Chitrashala

Established in 1878 in Poona (now Pune) by the Marathi writer Vishnushas...

Pop Art

An art movement that originated in the 1950s and 1960s in Britain and th...

Pop Kitsch

The use of popular and everyday materials and images in pop art. Kitsch ...

Portuguese Estado Da India

A Portuguese term literally meaning the State of India, it is used to re...

Post Painterly Abstraction

An artistic movement that derived from Abstract Expressionism and synthe...


Literally meaning "circle of light", it is an arch-shaped ornamental ele...


A ritual act in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, it is a clockwi...


In the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, he is the the son of the daitya ...


A central concept in Mahayana Buddhism that refers to the perfect way of...


In the Hindu religious tradition, it is a theological concept that descr...


The period of human existence prior to the invention of writing systems,...


A tendency in European and American modern art where artists explored th...

Prithvi Gallery

Established in 1980, it was an art gallery set within the Prithvi Theatr...


An honorific title popularly used to refer to the Mauryan emperor Ashoka...

Project 560

A multi-disciplinary arts project initiated in 2014 by the not-for-profi...

Pulakesin I

Pulakesin I (r. 544–567 CE) was a king of the Badami Chalukya dynasty an...

Pulakesin II

A ruler of the Badami Chalukya dynasty whose reign saw the territorial e...


A genre of ancient and religious texts written in Sanskrit, Tamil and ot...


A religious and social practice of seclusion in some Hindu and Muslim co...


The conception of man according to Hindu philosophy as established in th...


A Vaishnavite devotional cult that revolves around the worship of the Hi...


Pushyamitra (r. c.185 BCE–c.149 BCE) was the founder of the Shunga Dynas...

Rabari Ro Fatiya

Meaning “Rabari motif” in multiple dialects of Rajasthani and Gujarati, ...

Rabindra Bharati Society

An organisation established in 1945 at Jorasanko in Calcutta (now Kolkat...

Radiocarbon Dating

A method of determining the objective age of carbon-based materials by m...


A central element within Indian classical music, it is a melodic framewo...


The feminine representation of the Hindustani raga (melodic structures i...

Raja Purna Varma

Raja Purna Varma (b. n.d. ; d. n.d.) was a local ruler, who is reference...

Raja Ravi Varma College of Fine Arts, Mavelikkara

Established in 1915, it is a college for fine arts in the town of Maveli...

Raja Todarmal

Raja Todarmal (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a general in the service of Sadatul...

Rajamalla IV

Rajamalla IV (b. n.d. ; d. n.d.) was a ruler of the Western Ganga dynast...

Rajaraja Chola I

Rajaraja Chola I (b. n.d.; d. 1014) was king of the Chola Empire in sout...

Rajeev Sethi

Rajeev Sethi (b. 1949) is a designer, scenographer and curator, and the ...

Rajendra I

Rajendra I (b. n.d. ; d. 1044) was king of the medieval-era Chola Empire...


A ethnic community from the north-west region of Rajasthan, which was hi...


The seventh of the ten incarnations of the Hindu deity Vishnu, Rama was ...


One of the two major ancient Indian epics written in Sanskrit, it is bel...


A traditional Indian art form in which colourful patterns are made using...


A traditional Gujarat design, commonly seen in bandhani silk saris, it d...

Rashrakuta Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled the Deccan and adjoining regions in India, stretchi...


A spoked-wheel chariot or cart, usually drawn by horses. Evidence of the...


A public chariot procession associated with the worship of the Hindu god...


In Hindu mythology, Rati is the goddess of love. She is the consort of K...

Ratnadeep Gopal Adivrekar

Ratnadeep Gopal Adivrekar (b. 1974) is a contemporary artist born in Mum...


One of the five Tathagatas or the five transcendental Buddhas in Vajraya...

Reducing Agent

A chemical used in the process of indigo textile dyeing. Indigo is a vat...


Derived from the Hindi and Urdu word for “outline,” it is a step in some...

Relief Carving

A sculptural technique in which carvings are made on stone or wood to ma...

Relief Printing

A printmaking process in which the printing surface is cut or etched wit...

Renia Lugda

A tie-dye bandhani textile traditionally worn by older women of the Jat,...


A collective of artists in New Delhi working on sound and music across p...


An Oriya term meaning "silk."

Rib Weave

A variation of the plain weave, it is created by passing the weft over a...

Ring Shawl

A name given to pashmina and shahtoosh wool shawls, derived from the bel...

Rishabha Deva

Rishabha Deva is the first of the twenty four Jaina Tirthankaras (great ...


A sage in Hindu mythology portrayed in the Mahabharata as the harbinger ...


A design style that emerged in the early decades of the eighteenth centu...

Roll Bracket

Also known as taranga potika, it is a corbel-bracket with a roll-like pa...

Roller-Beam Loom

A vertical loom predominantly used to weave carpets in India, Iran and T...

Romantic Naturalism

A philosophical strand in literature and art that draws on Romanticism’s...

Romila Thapar

Romila Thapar (b. 1931) is an Indian historian, scholar and professor em...

Rope Borders

A motif that resembles a twisted, coiled rope, it is used as a border ar...


An intricately carved, round decorative medallion typically featured on ...


A Vedic deity personifying wrath, destruction and terror, considered the...


Prayer beads, usually in the form of a garland, that are used in Hindu r...

Rudrasena III

Rudrasena III (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a king of the Western Kshatrapa dyn...

SS Brijbasi and Sons

A printing firm renowned for its religious and political chromolithograp...


An architectural term, it refers to the assembly room or audience hall i...


Queen of devas in Hinduism. Also known as Indrani, she is an important g...

Sadaksari Lokeshvara

A form of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the Sadakshari Lokeshvara is a...


Also known as pagri, it is a traditional turban worn by Rajasthani men. ...


A dynasty that ruled over Iran between 1501 and 1736 CE. It consolidated...

Safflower Dye

A dye obtained from the flower petals of the safflower plant (Carthamus ...

Sahitya Akademi

Established in 1952 and inaugurated in 1954, it is India’s National Acad...

Sahitya Kala Parishad Award

An award conferred annually by the Sahitya Kala Parishad for excellence ...


In Indian temple architecture, it refers to the vertical sidepieces of a...

Sakhawat Hussain Khan

Sakhawat Hussain Khan (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was an Indian textile craftsman...


A prominent feature of Indian sculpture, it depicts a female deity with ...


A traditional Indian artisanal community of weavers, known for their ski...

Samarangana Sutradhara

A treatise on Indian architecture dating to the eleventh century CE and ...


In Jain theology, it is a heavenly pavilion built by the gods for a Tirt...


Meaning "destruction" or "withdrawal" in Sanskrit, it is one of the cosm...


The concept of the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth, fundame...

Samudra Manthan

An episode in Hindu mythology describing the churning of the "ocean of m...


A historical Buddhist site in present-day Madhya Pradesh and the site of...

Sangam Period

The early historical period of the southernmost region of India, corresp...

Sanganeri Paper

Handmade paper produced in Sanganer in Rajasthan. It is typically made u...


A monastic order comprising bhikkhus (monks) and bhikkhunis (nuns), it i...


An outer garment of Buddhist monastic significance resembling a long rob...

Sanskriti Award

An award administered by the Sanskriti Foundation since 1979 to honour t...

Sant Kabir Award

Instituted in 2009, it is an award given by the Government of India to t...


A South Asian stringed instrument, it is a hollow trapezoid wooden box w...


A fretless bowed string instrument from South Asia, it is a roughly rect...


Another name for yalis or vyalas, they are guardian deities in Hindu and...


A type of Hindu temple architecture characterised by a door in each of t...


The first independent ruler of the Gauda kingdom, who reigned c. late si...

Satavahana Dynasty

An ancient Indian dynasty also referred to as the Andhras in the Puranas...

Satin Stitch

Also known as damask stitch, it is a technique in embroidery that uses f...


A form of non-violent resistance pioneered by MK Gandhi. It translates t...

Satyajit Ray

Satyajit Ray (b. 1921; d. 1992) was a filmmaker, writer, composer and il...

Saura Pitha

A carved sundial and marker of directions featuring the sun and eight ce...

Scene and Herd

An anonymous Instagram account that served as a platform to expose alleg...


A multi-thread machine used to create machine embroidery and lace, inven...


Also known as serigraphy and silk-screen printing, it is a stencil-based...


Also called fresco secco or fresco finto, this is a technique of wall or...

Second Diffusion

A religious revival movement between c. tenth and eleventh centuries CE,...

Self Help Enterprise (SHE)

Founded in 1985 by Shamlu Dudeja, it is a non-government organisation th...


The edge of a fabric that does not require additional finishing work and...

Sericulture Information Linkages and Knowledge System (SILKS)

An interactive web portal developed by the North East Space Application ...


A stencil-based printing process which involves forcing ink through a fi...

Sethusamudram Project

A three-year collaborative art project between Theertha International Ar...


The portion of a column or pier located between the base and the capital...

Shah Jahan

Shah Jahan (b. 1592; d. 1666) was the fifth Mughal emperor of India, rei...


The Shahnama (Book of Kings) is an epic poem that was composed by Firdau...

Shaira Sequeira Shetty

Shaira Sequeira Shetty (b. n.d.) is an Indian researcher working in the ...


One of the major sects within Hinduism, Shaivism considers Shiva as the ...

Shaivite Upanishads

A body of fourteen Upanishadic texts dedicated to Shaiva traditions and ...


The primordial cosmic energy that represents the dynamic forces of the u...

Shakti Peetha

A place of worship that is part of a group of temples dedicated to the H...


A major sect of Hinduism wherein the metaphysical reality is considered ...

Shakyamuni Buddha

An epithet used for the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, who lived somet...


Another name for one of the mortal Buddhas, it literally translates to "...


Derived from the Sanskrit word broadly meaning "house" or "shelter", sha...


A ceremonial tent or awning featuring removable walls that consist typic...

Shamlu Dudeja

A designer and textile revivalist who has worked extensively with kantha...


One of the nine nidhis (treasures) of Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth, S...


In Hindu epic and Puranic literature, a sage who is the son of the sage ...


An Indian reed instrument, it is a conical instrument with a double reed...


The king of divine serpent-like beings known as nagas and one of the cor...


The second largest denomination of Islam after Sunnism, Shi'ism is belie...


A superstructure, tower or spire characteristic of North Indian temple a...


Founded by the sculptor Valsan Koorma Kolleri, it is an art school and s...

Shimla Fine Art Society

One of the oldest fine arts societies in India, established in 1865. The...


Derived from the Persian word shisheh, meaning “glass.” Also known as mi...

Shivani Gupta

Shivani Gupta (b. 1984) is an Indian photographer, dancer and a member o...

Shree Lal Joshi

Shree Lal Joshi (b. 1938; d. 2018) was a phad artist from the Chippa com...


One of the nine rasas within Indian performing arts, it may be understoo...


A dynasty from the Magadha (in present-day Bihar) region that ruled larg...


A king mentioned in Hindu texts and the Buddhist Sibi Jataka. He is acco...


A town in Karnataka, India, it is an archaeological site of rock-cut ins...


In Jaina religious art, a yakshi (nature spirit) who is an attendant of ...

Silk Road

A network of historic trade routes, it connected Southern Europe, Persia...


In Vajrayana Buddhism, one of the forms of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvar...


A Pallava ruler who reigned during the latter half of the sixth century ...


A technique of spinning yarn that incorporates one spindle, as seen in t...

Siri Yana Satakani

Siri Yana Satakani (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a ruler of the Satavahana dyna...

Sivama Sada

Sivamaka Sada (b. n.d.; d. n.d.) was a ruler of the Sada dynasty, which ...


A solution that is applied to warp threads before they are set on a loom...


Revered as the God of War within Hindu mythology, he is the son of Shiva...

Skanda Purana

The largest of the eighteen major Puranas, it comprises over eighty-one ...

Slit Weave

Also known as slit tapestry, it is a weaving technique which uses multip...

Smock Stitches

Also called smocking, it is a set of complex stitching techniques that c...

Somak Weaving

A flat-weave tapestry weaving technique where weft yarns are wrapped ove...


A representation of the Hindu deities Shiva and Parvati with their son S...

Sonal Jain

Sonal Jain (b. 1975) is an Indian artist based in the city of Guwahati i...


A non-Vedic ascetic movement that practised austerity and rejected domes...


Meaning "creation" in Sanskrit, it is one of the cosmic acts of deities ...

Srivaishnava Sect

A Vaishnava sect that emerged prominently in southern India during the l...

St. Petersburg Muraqqa

An album of Persian and Indian miniature paintings and calligraphy manus...

State Archaeological Museum, Gwalior

A museum located in the Gujari Mahal Palace in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, ...

Stem Stitch

A needlework technique in embroidery where successive, overlapping stitc...


A popular form of mid-nineteenth century photography that created and en...


A painting and drawing technique where a pattern of dots is used to prod...


Meaning "preservation" or "existence" in Sanskrit, it is one of the cosm...

Stone Age

A prehistoric period characterised by the invention and use of stone too...

Strategic Management for the Art of Theatre (SMART)

Established in 2015, it is an initiative of the Bengaluru-based not-for-...


Defects in printing which are marked by thin, parallel lines on the prin...


A type of fine plaster or coating material used to cover walls and ceili...


A hemispherical structure with a circular base that supports a dome with...


A bulbous structure that is the apex of a temple and placed on the roof....

Subhas Dharma Kadu

Subhas Kadu is a craftsman and mask-maker from Maharashtra, who makes tr...


A Hindu deity of war worshipped predominantly in southern India. The wor...


The son of the Hindu deity Surya in the epic Ramayana and the younger br...

Suhaag Chunari

A traditional bridal odhani (veil) worn by women from the Malwa region o...


An ornamental feature in Hindu temple architecture which lies over the e...

Sunaina Jalan

A designer and textile revivalist based in Kolkata, West Bengal, and one...


A form of the Hindu deity Shiva worshipped as one of the principal deiti...


A twentieth century avant-garde art movement in Russia founded by artist...


Meaning “sunflower” in some South Asian languages, it is a motif used in...

Surayia Rahman

Surayia Rahman (b.1938; d.2018) was an artist and designer credited with...

Surkh Kotal

An archaeological site in present-day Afghanistan that was excavated bet...


An art movement that emerged in twentieth-century France and aimed to ex...


Literally meaning "string" or "thread," it refers to literature from the...


Literally meaning "thread-holder," it is the term for a stage manager an...


A yogic asana (pose) in Hatha yoga, where the body is seated in a cross-...

Swati Agarwal

A designer and textile revivalist based in Kolkata, West Bengal, and one...

Syed Ahmad Khan

Syed Ahmad Khan (b. 1817; d. 1898) was an educator, philosopher and refo...

Sylvain Levi

Sylvain Levi (b. 1863; d. 1935) was a French orientalist and indologist ...


A literary and artistic movement that originated in the works of late-ni...

Single-Lens Reflex Camera

A camera that allows the photographer to view the subject through the le...

TA Gopinatha Rao

TA Gopinatha Rao (b.1872, d.1919) was an Indian archaeologist and epigra...


Meaning “clap" in Sanskrit, it is a measure of rhythm or metre in South ...


A French style of abstract painting, characterised by random splotches a...

Take On Art

A biannual English-language publication on the arts in South Asia, estab...


A traditional hand spindle used for spinning yarn from fibre in the Takl...


A tier or storey in a shikhara, vimana or gopuram, found primarily in Dr...


An instructional code that translates the designs to be woven in Kani sh...


A wooden implement, it comprises vertical rods fixed on a plank around w...


A form of dance codified in the Natyashastra, an ancient treatise on the...


Used to describe a set of esoteric rituals and practices, these are trad...


A heterodox religious tradition that emphasises the feminine principle t...

Tapestry Weave

A weft-facing technique of weaving, wherein coloured weft yarns are inte...

Tara Kelton

Tara Kelton (b. 1981) is an artist working with digital media and instal...

Tarif-i-Hussain Shahi

An illustrated manuscript of the epic poem celebrating the reign of Huss...


An illustrated manuscript that details the history of Timur and his desc...

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

A public university and research institute established in 1945 in Mumbai...

Tathagata Buddha

A term used by the Gautama Buddha to refer to himself or other Buddhas i...


A central concept in Buddhism that denotes the essential or true nature ...


A dancer, singer or entertainer trained in Hindustani classical music, g...


An archaeological site in present-day Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Founded c. 1...


A technique of painting characterised by mineral pigments suspended in b...

Temple Motif

A decorative textile element, typically found in the border design of sa...

Tenali Ramakrishna

Tenali Ramakrishna (b. n.d. ; d. n.d.) was a sixteenth-century Telugu po...


A sacred text belonging to the Tibetan Buddhist canon, comprising commen...

Termeh Tapestry

A Persian handwoven woollen cloth produced primarily in Isfahan, Iran, a...

TFA-Tasveer Photography Awards

Instituted in 2008, it is an annual award presented by the Indian not-fo...


A city in present-day Tamil Nadu, it was formerly known as Tanjore and w...


Also known as “temple border,” it is a border or edge motif composed of ...

The Illustrated Weekly of India

A English-language weekly that was operational between 1880 and 1993 and...

The Jane and Kito de Boer Collection

One of the most significant private single-owner collections of South As...

The Oriental Repository

Also known as India Museum, it was founded in 1798 at Leadenhall Street,...

The Otolith Group

The Otolith Group is an artist-led collective founded in 2002 by Anjalik...

Theravada Buddhism

Meaning the "Way of Elders" in Pali, it is the major Buddhist sect in Sr...

Thiruvilaiyadal Puranam

A sixteenth-century Tamil text attributed to Paranjothi Munivar, which c...

Thomas Biggs

Thomas Biggs (b. 1822; d. 1905) was a British photographer and military ...

Thomas Holbein Hendley

Thomas Holbein Hendley (b. 1847; d. 1917) was a British medical officer ...

Three-Shuttle Loom

A loom that uses three shuttles to create saris with a dense weave and s...


A type of loom in which the shuttle, containing the weft yarn, is passed...


A vocal style or genre within Hindustani classical music inspired by the...

Tibet House

A cultural centre founded in 1965 by the Dalai Lama in New Delhi, India,...


A richly illustrated manuscript created in the sixteenth century during ...

Tin Thal

A three-storeyed Mahayana cave temple in Ellora dating to the eighth cen...


A photograph made by creating a positive directly on a thin sheet of bla...


Textiles with embroidered inscriptions produced in Iran during the early...

Tiraz Khana

Textile ateliers or workshops of the Islamic empires dating to the medie...


Meaning “concealment” or “veiling” in Sanskrit, it is one of the cosmic ...


A free-standing gateway, usually made of stone, marking the entrance to ...


The capital city of the ancient kingdom of Kalinga, located in present-d...


A part of a manually operated machine, such as a loom, in which a pedal ...

Tribhanga Pose

Also known as the "triple-bend position," it is a standing pose found in...

Tributary State

A form of pre-modern state which had a subordinate relationship to a sup...


The depiction of a figure, usually a deity, with three heads. The so-cal...

Triennale India

Initiated in 1968 by Mulk Raj Anand, then Chairman of the Lalit Kala Aka...


A motif of a plant with three flowers sharing a stem, used in most block...

Tripura Bhairavi

Also called Bhairavi, meaning “terror” or “awe-inspiring,” she is one of...


An outward square projection from the main shrine of the temple, occurin...


Also known as the Three Jewels of Buddhism, triratna comprises the Buddh...


A trident used as one of the principal symbols of Hinduism, and to a les...

TS Nagarajan

TS Nagarajan (b. 1932; d. 2014) was a photojournalist who worked primari...

Tube Drill

A technology for drilling developed during the Mature Phase (c. 2600–190...


A dynasty that ruled over the Vijayanagara Empire from 1505 to 1565 CE. ...


Tumbaru is a divine being in Hinduism and Jainism. In Hindu mythology, h...


A greasy ink used in lithography, etching and silkscreen printing. In li...


A governor at Girnar in Junagarh, Gujarat, under the Mauryan emperor Ash...

Twill Weave

A weave in which the weft is passed over and then under multiple warp th...

The Partition

The division of British India in 1947 into India and Pakistan, spurring ...


Also known as jinas, Tirthankaras are teachers and guides in Jain devoti...

UNESCO World Heritage Site

A landmark location classified as a protected heritage area by the Unite...

UP Postal Portfolio Circle

A group created by the Photographic Society of India, where members exch...


A body of texts written in Sanskrit and considered to be the latter part...

Upper Palaeolithic Period

The final stage of the Palaeolithic period, lasting from roughly fifty t...

Urmila Kanoria

Urmila Kanoria (b. 1942) is a noted patron of the arts and founder of th...


One of the thirty-two lakshanas within Buddhist iconography, the urna is...


A celestial dancer or apsara known for her beauty, Urvashi was part of I...


One of the thirty-two lakshanas within Buddhist iconography, the ushnish...

Usta Kaam

A traditional form of decorative gesso painting practised primarily in B...


A yogic asana (pose) in Hatha yoga, where the body is in a low squatting...


The processional idol of a temple. During temple festivals, a representa...


In Indian temple architecture, it is the term for the lintel located abo...


A scarf-like item of clothing originating in ancient India, it is worn o...


An ancient city in eastern Karnataka, located along the banks of the riv...


An animal that is typically the mount or vehicle of deities in the Hindu...

Vaikuntadwara Pillar

A sculpted pillar made of granite situated inside the Vaikuntadwara of t...


One of the five Tathagatas or the five transcendental Buddhas in Vajraya...


A major Hindu tradition which worships Vishnu and his ten avatars (dasha...


Also known as Yamantaka, he is a deity considered to be the destroyer or...


A bodhisattva from Mahayana Buddhism and the protector and guide of the ...

Vajrapradama Mudra

Meaning the "mudra of unshakeable self-confidence," it is made by interl...


A bodhisattva in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism, he i...


A red sandstone slab located between the Mahabodhi Temple and the Bodhi ...


A form of Tantric Buddhism that developed in India in the medieval perio...


In Tantric Buddhism, she is a female form of the Buddha, which is associ...

Vakataka Dynasty

A dynasty that originated in the central Deccan region of India during t...


The king of Kishkindha and the elder brother of Sugriva in the Hindu epi...


One of the ten avatars of the Hindu deity Vishnu, he is depicted as a sh...


An important motif in Vaishnavite Hinduism, it is offered as a garland t...


A community, with historical roots in the precolonial Indian subcontinen...


Vishnu's incarnation in the form of a boar. Varaha is third of Vishnu's ...


A Vedic deity associated with the moral values of rita (justice) and sat...


In the Hindu religious tradition, one of the seven maharishis (great sag...


The god of wind in the Vedic pantheon, who represents the cosmic life-br...


A monthly arts magazine published from Baroda, Gujarat, from 1969 to 197...


The mount of the Hindu deity Shiva, often worshipped independently in so...


A composite artistic motif, which depicts an elephant and a bull with a ...


Derived from the Latin word voluta meaning "scroll," it is a spiral, scr...


Derived from the French word for "veil," it is a thin, sheer, lightweigh...


A Hindu deity who is considered to be a form of Vishnu and is popularly ...

Vitarka Mudra

The mudra or gesture of discussion and transmission of Buddhist teaching...

Vismaya Mudra

A single-handed mudra or gesture that is meant to convey wonder. The pal...


In Hindu Puranic and epic literature, one of the seven maharishis (great...


A deity in the Hindu pantheon, Vishwakarma is considered a divine engine...

Vis-A-Vis Experience Centre

A design studio based in Delhi that integrates lighting, architecture an...


An architectural descriptor for ceilings or roofs that feature self-supp...


A body of religious texts composed in Sanskrit and considered the oldest...

Vedic Period

The period between the late Bronze Age and the early Iron Age in the nor...


An outer railing around a sacred monument or object in Buddhist and Hind...


Venkatapatiraya (b. n.d.; d. 1614) was a ruler of the Aravidu dynasty, t...

Victorian Salon Painting

A number of painting styles that gained popularity in English salons dur...


Within Sanskrit drama, it describes the good-natured jester or clown who...

Vidyaranya Swami

Vidyaranya Swami (b. 1296; d. 1391), popularly known as Madhavacharya, w...


An ancient Hindu encyclopaedic text consisting of three khandas (parts),...


A form of Shiva, he was the tutelary deity of the Vijayanagara empire (1...

Vinayak Pandurang Karmarkar

Vinayak Pandurang Karmarkar (b. 1891; d.1967) was a sculptor best known ...

Vijayanagara Kingdom

Established in 1336, it was one of the dominant kingdoms of southern Ind...


In Hindu religious mythology, he is an attendant of the deity Vishnu. Al...


A group of demi-gods and semi-divine beings in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist ...


A Buddhist monastery that was an integral part of early Buddhist cave te...

Vesara Architecture

A term for an architectural style primarily associated with medieval-era...


A relief carving-based technique where the image remains at the surface ...

Wabisabi Project

An initiative by Kriti Gupta and Avinash Maurya in collaboration with th...

Wajid Ali Shah

Wajid Ali Shah (b. 1822; d. 1887) was the eleventh and final ruler of Aw...

World Press Photo Award

An award administered by the World Press Photography Foundation awarded ...

Washi Paper

A traditional Japanese handmade paper produced using fibres of trees suc...

Women’s Art Institute

An institution in Calcutta (present-day Kolkata) that taught photography...

William Morris

William Morris (b. 1834; d. 1896) was a British textile and interior des...

William Henderson

A photographer and co-founder of the Bombay Photographic Society along w...

Western Ganga Dynasty

A dynasty that ruled over parts of southern India, likely from the secon...


A type of handmade paper originally conceived as a surface for Mughal mi...

Wax Resist-Dyeing

A technique of resist-dyeing in which molten wax is applied to portions ...

Waxed Paper Negative

A photographic negative using a base of paper coated with oil or beeswax...

We Are Kal

An Indo-German textile brand established in 2013 and working with Eri si...


It refers to yarn or threads that pass horizontally over and under the f...

Weft-Interlocked Technique

A form of tapestry weaving wherein weft threads of opposing colours are ...

Wei Buddhism

Also known as the Bei Wei ("Northern Wei") and Tabgatch or Tuoba and fou...

Western Chalukya Dynasty

A dynasty in that emerged in the Deccan region of southern India from th...


It refers to yarn or threads fixed longitudinally on a loom. Weft thread...

Yadava Dynasty

Also known as the Seuna dynasty, this is a dynasty that ruled present-da...


A Vaishnava sect that emerged prominently in southern India during the l...


A sacred thread worn over the left shoulder and crosswise over the torso...


The Hindu god of death, also known as Pretaraja (King of Ghosts), Dharma...


A metaphor for a mode or method of spiritual practice in Buddhism, which...


An aspect of the Hindu deity Shiva, where he is depicted seated in padma...


It symbolises the goddess Shakti as well as the feminine procreative pow...


A autonomous or semiautonomous ruler of a province who held hereditary o...


A gold or silver thread used in brocade and zardosi designs. It is typic...

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Ashte Kashte

A racing board game involving up to four players, Ashte Kashte was histo...

Akbar’s Ganjifa

A twelve-suited version of Ganjifa invented by the Mughal emperor Akbar ...


Native to the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, aipan is a form of rangoli. ...

Anita Dube

An artist, art historian and critic, Anita Dube uses the mediums of ...

Amar Kanwar

An artist and filmmaker, Amar Kanwar is known for his documentaries on i...

Ardhanarishwara Bronze Statue, Government Museum, Chennai

An eleventh-century sculpture from the early medieval period, the Ar...

AI Art in India

An emerging practice in contemporary art, AI art is produced using artif...

Arpita Singh

A celebrated painter and one of the key artists in Indian Modernism, Arp...

A Pair of Royal Earrings, Andhra Pradesh

Dated to the first century BCE, a pair of large gold earrings speculated...


Categorised as a samhar murti, or a destructive form of the god Shiva, A...

Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita

Dated to the first century CE, Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita is is an in...

Asit Kumar Haldar

A noted painter and sculptor of the Bengal School, Asit Kumar Haldar is ...

Asia Art Archive

Established in 2000 by Claire Hsu and Johnson Chang in Hong Kong, Asia A...

Avinash Veeraraghavan

An artist, illustrator and author, Avinash Veeraraghavan explores the la...

Astha Butail

An installation artist working with textiles, books and sound, Astha But...

Anup Mathew Thomas

A contemporary lens-based artist, Anup Mathew Thomas works at the inters...

Annapurna Garimella

An art historian, curator and designer, Annapurna Garimella is known for...

Amruta Patil

A writer and painter from Goa, Amruta Patil is considered one of the...

Anjolie Ela Menon

A contemporary artist whose work is characterised by mythical and fa...

Amrita Sher-Gil

A Hungarian-Indian Modernist painter, Amrita Sher-Gil is considered ...

AK Coomaraswamy

Born in Colombo, British Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) into a Tamil fam...

Alwar Balasubramaniam

A painter, printmaker and sculptor, Alwar Balasubramaniam, also known as...

Anju Dodiya

A contemporary artist known for expressive watercolour paintings whe...

Abanindranath Tagore

Belonging to the influential Tagore family of Jorasanko, Calcutta (n...

Akbar Padamsee

A prominent Modernist artist and filmmaker, Akbar Padamsee is known for ...

Aastha Chauhan

An artist and curator, Aastha Chauhan is known for her public art and co...

Aveek Sen

An academic, journalist and critic, Aveek Sen is known for his writing o...

Anna Fox

A British photographer, academic and curator, Anna Fox is known for her ...

Arko Datto

An art and documentary photographer known for his long-term projects an...

Annu Palakunnathu Matthew

A photographer and video artist, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew is known for...

Anil Relia

Founder of Archer Art Gallery, Ahmedabad, Anil Relia is a printer and co...

Annapurna Dutta

Born in 1894 in undivided Bengal, Annapurna Dutta was one of the first p...

Anita Khemka

As a photographer and documentarian, Anita Khemka’s work has expl...

AL Syed

A twentieth-century photographer known for his images of rural India and...

Aileen Blaney

A writer, editor and educator, Aileen Blaney’s scholarship is focused on...

ATW Penn

A British photographer from Somerset, UK, who worked and lived in Ootac...

Ashoka Pillar, Vaishali

A buff, unpolished, red sandstone pillar surmounted by a lion, the A...

Ashta Nayika

A term referring to the eight kinds of heroine, or nayika, each of whom ...


One of the most popular bodhisattvas in the Buddhist pantheon and freque...

Ashoka Pillars

Large monolithic free-standing columns that were carved in the third cen...

Ashoka Edicts

Carved in rock and stone pillars, the edicts of Mauryan emperor Ashoka (...

Ashoka Capitals

Capitals carved in the form of animal figures that surmounted the monoli...

Ajanta Cave 1

Considered one of the most prominent of the rock-cut Ajanta caves, Cave ...

Arjuna Ratha

One among the cluster of Pancha Rathas at Mamallapuram, the Arjuna Ratha...


An official chronicle of the reign of Akbar, the Akbarnama is a coll...

Anthropomorphic Buddha

The first anthropomorphic representations of the seated or standing ...

Ajanta Caves

A group of approximately thirty rock-cut Buddhist cave temples and monas...

Ardhanarishvara, Elephanta Cave 1

A five-metre tall sculpture in Cave 1 of the Elephanta Caves depicti...

Ajanta Murals

Among the earliest and most significant examples of cave painting in...

Allahabad Pillar

The Allahabad Pillar refers to a single, polished sandstone pillar, ...

Anjali Mudra

One of the stylised hand gestures, or mudras, commonly found in Buddhist...

Abhaya Mudra

One of the five commonly depicted mudras in Buddhism, the abhaya mudra i...

Aal Dye

A deep red natural dye produced from the roots of the aal tree (Morinda ...


An ornamental technique of sewing in which patterns and motifs are c...


A motif embroidered in the shape of gold coin, associated with Banarasi ...


A small square or rectangular flat-woven sitting mat, dhurrie or floor c...

Ashavali Sari

Woven in silk and originating in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Ashavali saris feat...

Assamese Gamusa

A rectangular, handwoven piece of cotton fabric, the gamusa is a cul...

Ari Embroidery

A style of embroidery that involves a chain stitch created by hand using...

Arani Silk Sari

Woven using mulberry silk in the town of Arani (or Arni) in the Tiruvann...

Arvind Indigo Museum

A museum and gallery dedicated to indigo in all its forms, the Arvind In...

Anita Reddy

Social reformer, revivalist and founder of the Association for Voluntary...

Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing

A museum dedicated to preserving the hand block printing techniques of I...


A loose-fitted tunic that is tied on the side around the waist, deri...


A textile block printing technique created by resist dyeing. The ter...


An evolution of the angrakha and the chapkan, the achkan is a knee-lengt...


An unstitched, rectangular piece of fabric, the angavastram is a garment...

All India Handicrafts Board

An advisory body established under the Ministry of Textiles, the All Ind...


Made from the hair of the Angora rabbit, this fibre, known for its f...

Aditi Ranjan

An educator, researcher and textile designer, Aditi Ranjan has researche...

All India Handloom Board

An advisory body constituted under the Ministry of Textiles, the All Ind...

Ahir Embroidery

Prominently featuring the use of tiny circular or almond-shaped shis...

Arshiya Lokhandwala

A curator and art historian specialising in modern and contemporary Indi...

Atul Dodiya

A contemporary artist who works across mediums such as painting and ...

Block Printing

The process of stamping designs and patterns on base fabrics such as cot...

Bel Phool

A common motif in Indian textiles, it comprises a bel or creeper with ph...

Bhagalpuri Silk

Produced in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar, the eponymous wild tussar s...

Bichitrapuri Sari

Primarily woven from silk and cotton in the Bargarh district of Odisha (...


A shuttle-woven textile with elaborate patterns made with gold, silv...

Bobbin Lace

A handmade lace consisting of intricate and delicate patterns, emplo...

Benarasi Brocade

Characterised by the use of rich gold and silver zari to weave motif...

Berhampuri Sari

A type of thick silk sari that characteristically features a phoda kumbh...


An umbrella term that broadly refers to motifs of flowers, leaves, trees...

Begampur Sari

Lightweight, translucent and woven using cotton yarn, Begampur saris der...

Baun Sari

Made using baun, a handloom fabric from Uttar Pradesh, these saris are w...


A technique of creating patterns on cloth through wax-resist printing an...

Beetle Wing Embroidery

Used to embellish clothing as well as home furnishings with the irid...

Banjara Embroidery

Traditionally practised by the Banjaras (also known as Lambanis or L...


A tie-dyeing technique used to make patterned fabrics, Bandhani in its m...

Bark Cloth

A plant-based fabric used by indigenous groups across Asia, Africa and A...

Baluchari Sari

Handwoven using locally grown mulberry silk, tussar or wool in West Beng...

Bapta Sari

Woven in the Sambalpur district of Odisha (formerly Orissa), bapta s...

Bawan Bagh

A type of bagh embroidered on a red base cloth with rectangular cells, e...

Balotra Printing

This block printing technique for textiles derives its name Balotra from...


A perfumed silk quilt with plain and broad borders that contrast with it...

Balaramapuram Handlooms

Reputed for their softness and distinguished by their gold-plated silver...

Bagh Embroidery

A textile tradition practised in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan...

Backstrap Loom

Also known as a loin loom or body-tension loom, a backstrap loom is char...

Bagh Print

A traditional form of block printing locally known as thappa chhapai usi...

Bagru Printing

A textile block printing technique that features repeated floral but...

Badaam Motif

Recognisable by its stylised almond-like shape, the badaam motif bears v...

Badla Embroidery

A style of metal thread embroidery characterised by the use of thin, fla...

Baavan Buti Sari

Named after the fifty-two motifs, or baavan buti, running through their ...

Balraj Khanna

A contemporary painter, curator and writer, Balraj Khanna is known for h...

Baiju Parthan

A contemporary artist known for his intermedia works and experimentation...

Balan Nambiar

A Modernist artist and scholar, Balan Nambiar works with a wide rang...

Bose Krishnamachari

Contemporary artist and curator known for spearheading the Kochi-Muziris...

BN Goswamy

Born in a Bengali family in Sargodha, present-day Pakistan, Brijinder Na...

BV Suresh

Contemporary artist and educator, BV Suresh is known for his video art, ...

Birla Academy of Art & Culture

Established in 1967 in Calcutta (now Kolkata), West Bengal, the Birla Ac...

Biren De

A modernist artist known for his Neo-tantric works, Biren De incorporate...

Benode Behari Mukherjee

A prominent artist of the Bengal School, Benode Behari Mukherjee is ...

Benitha Perciyal

A sculptor and installation artist, Benitha Perciyal is known for us...

Bengal School

Founded at the turn of the twentieth century by EB Havell and Abanindran...

Baroda School

Also known as the Baroda Group of Artists, the Baroda School is an artis...

Bichitra Club

Founded in 1915 in Calcutta (now Kolkata) by the Tagore family, the Bich...

Bhupen Khakhar

A Modernist artist and writer known for his autobiographical paintin...

Bharti Kher

With a practice that spans sculpture, painting, collage, video, phot...

Bazaar Paintings

A type of early modern art from India, bazaar paintings emerged as a...

BC Sanyal

A painter, sculptor and educator credited with introducing Modernism to ...

Bhuta Masks

Heavy, typically metal alloy-based masks worn by dancers for Bhuta Kola ...

Bhuri Bai

A renowned Bhil artist, Bhuri Bai is the first artist of the communi...

Bharat Bhavan

An arts centre and museum established by the government of Madhya Prades...


A form of folk theatre with musical and dance elements, Bhavai is pr...

Bhuta Kola

A form of spirit worship with performance elements, Bhuta Kola is pr...

Bhand Pather

A theatre form that incorporates improvisation, clownery and dance, Bhan...

Beni Putul

A glove puppetry tradition of West Bengal, beni putul is considered to b...

Bengali Jatra

A form of regional theatre performed primarily in the states of West Ben...

Bayalata Masks

Colourful masks used in open-air performances in the coastal parts of Ka...


A genre of folk drama primarily staged in Assam, bhaona refers to the pe...

Bhagavata Mela Natakam Masks

Masks of papier mache accompanied with makeup, used for Bhagavata Mela p...

Bhajju Singh Shyam

A second-generation artist of the Pradhan-Gond community, Bhajju Sin...


Itinerant folk artists specialising in impersonation and known for t...

Baiga Charata Masks

Locally manufactured, heavy wooden masks used to accompany dance perform...

Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group

Formed in 1947 in Mumbai, the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group (PAG) ai...

Bourne & Shepherd

One of the first commercial photography studios in India, Bourne & S...

Bhaona Masks

Also known as mukha (face), Bhaona masks are primarily made of bamboo an...

Bombay Art Society

A fine art society established in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in 1888, the ...

Bomkai Sari

Deriving its name from the village of Bomokai in Odisha, the Bomkai sari...

Bireswar Sen

A watercolour artist, Bireswar Sen is remembered for his small-scale lan...

Blue Glaze Pottery

A type of ceramics produced in Jaipur, Rajasthan, blue glaze pottery is ...


A bhikkhuni active between the late-first and early or mid-second centur...

Black and Red Ware

A pottery style which derives its name from the black and red colours of...

Bengal Photographic Society

An organisation of photographers established in 1856 in Calcutta (now K...


Blindboys is a community-driven online platform exploring and showcasing...

Bombay Mix

Published in 2007 by Dewi Lewis Publishing and Sepia International, Bomb...

Bharat Sikka

Engaging with the themes of masculinity, identity, representations o...

Bhupendra Karia

A prolific Indian documentary photographer, Bhupendra Karia had a career...

Balika Mela

Published in 2012 by Edition Patrick Frey, Balika Mela is a photobook by...

Bhumisparsha Mudra

A symbolic gesture in Buddhist iconography and practice – and one of fiv...


A representation of the Buddha’s feet carved into a surface, intende...

Boar Rock, Bhimbetka

Also known as Bhimbetka Shelter III F-19 and Bull Rock, this rock shelte...


A mythological creature with the head of a human and the body of a h...

Bodhi Tree

The sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa) believed to have stood on the site...


A seventeenth-century artist of the Mughal painting school, Bishanda...

Bhitargaon Temple

Located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, the Bhitargaon temple is dated to the ...


A theoretical formulation from Sanskrit aesthetics, bhava is an emotive ...


A noted eighteenth century painter, Bhavanidas was employed by the M...

Bhima Ratha

Part of the Pancha Ratha complex at Mamallapuram, the Bhima Ratha is adj...

Bhaja Sculptures

These rock-cut sculptures, found in the Bhaja caves in Pune, Maharashtra...

Besnagar Yaksha and Yakshis

Four sandstone figures dated to the last centuries BCE, the Besnagar yak...

Bhimbetka Cave Paintings

Widely acknowledged to be the earliest evidence of art in South Asia, th...


A Mughal miniature painter in the court of Akbar, Basawan was well-known...

Bharhut Stupa Relief Sculptures

Intricately carved sandstone vedika and toranas that once surrounded...


A popular figure in Digambara Jain mythology, Bahubali (meaning “the str...

Badami Murals

Important early medieval cave paintings, the Badami murals were executed...

Badami Cave 4

Considered to be the last of the rock-cut Badami cave temples to be ...

Badami Caves 2 and 3

Dated to the late sixth and early seventh century during the reign o...

Badami Cave 1

Dated to the last quarter of the sixth century CE, Badami Cave 1 is ...

Badami Cave Temples

A group of four rock-cut sandstone Shaivite, Vaishnavite and Jain sh...

Clare Arni

A British photographer living and working in India for over three decade...

Chandan Gomes

A photographer, educator and bookmaker, Chandan Gomes’s work draws...

Chinar Shah

A Bengaluru-based artist and writer, Chinar Shah’s practice looks at how...

Chennai Photo Biennale

A photography festival held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, since 2016, the Chen...

Carte de Visite

A photographic format for small albumen prints, the carte de visite – Fr...


One of the ten Mahavidyas from the Shakti Tantric pantheon, Chinnamasta ...

Ceiling Murals at Virupaksha Temple, Hampi

Paintings at one of the oldest shrines at Vijayanagara (present-day Hamp...

Cave Painting

Generally used to refer to images and illustrations that are painted on ...

Cave Art at Sittanavasal

The relief sculptures and mural paintings found in the cave temple at Si...

Chola Natarajas

Bronze sculptures produced from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries CE...

Chola Bronze Sculptures

  A body of bronze-cast sculptures made through the tenth to...

Charles D’Oyly

A civil servant under the British East India Company, Charles D’Oyly was...

Cymroza Art Gallery

An art gallery based in Mumbai specialising in modern and contemporary a...


An artist-run initiative based out of Borivali in Mumbai and founded by ...

Company Painting

A school of painting that emerged in the Indian subcontinent during ...


An artist and activist known for his political cartoons and illustra...

Contextual Modernism

Developing from the Bengal School in the early-twentieth century, Contex...

C Douglas

A painter and sculptor of the Madras School, C Douglas is known for ...

Chatterjee & Lal

A Mumbai-based gallery specialising in contemporary art, Chatterjee &...

Calcutta Group

One of the first artist collectives in India, the Calcutta Group was est...

Chemould Prescott Road

Founded in 1963 by gallerists and art collectors Kekoo and Khorshed Gand...

Cholamandal Artists’ Village

An artist collective located in the village of Cholamandal, Chennai, the...

Cheriyal Scroll Painting

A narrative painting and performance tradition, Cheriyal scroll painting...

Chowka Bara

A cross-and-circle board game from India, Chowka Bara is played by two o...


A folk performance form that incorporates martial arts and dance-drama e...

Chhau Masks

Large, colourful masks of clay and wood, chhau masks are used for chhau ...

Charma Bahuli Natya

Also known as chamadyache bahulya and dayati, charma bahuli natya is...

Cham Masks

Worn by practitioners of the cham dance in Bhutan, Nepal and India, cham...

Chadar Badar

A form of puppetry practised by the Santhal community residing in pa...


A rough fabric woven from unbleached cotton containing parts of cott...


A coarse, thick, handspun and flat-woven cloth, cumbals are made of wool...


A broad sash worn around the abdomen, or at the waist, the cummerbund co...


A needlework technique or decorative effect, cutwork involves cutting aw...

Crewel Embroidery

An embroidery technique consisting primarily of a simple chain stitch us...

Chindi Dhurries

Woven with spun cotton yarn and textile scrap of cotton or leather, chin...

Chutka Blanket

Chutka is a traditional blanket made by the Bhotias of Uttarakhand, who ...


Paired with the ghagra or saree, the choli is a tight-fitting blouse tha...


A type of long trouser traditionally worn in north and west India, t...


Soft, light fabric with a distinctively crisp and crimped appearance, c...


Long, loose-sleeved jacket with an open front, chogas are worn by men ov...


Extracted from the cotton plants of the genus Gossypium, cotton is a...


A glazed cotton fabric with a plain or tabby weave, typically printe...

Chope Phulkari

A reversible phulkari that features prominently in wedding rituals, a ch...


A form of hand embroidery associated with Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, chikan...

Chay Root Dye

A natural red colourant, chay root dye is derived from the chay plan...

Carpet and Rug Weaving in India

Variously known as alcatif, qali, dari and shatranji, hand-knotted c...


A sheer, lightweight fabric that resembles a fine net or mesh upon c...

Chendamangalam Dhoti

An unstitched garment of fine muslin cloth woven exclusively by the Chen...


A lightweight fabric made of yak and goat hair, the challi (or chha-li) ...

Chand Tara

A motif used in textiles which brings together the moon and the star, ch...

Champa Silk

A variety of tussar silk cultivated in various regions of Chhattisgarh —...


Chanderi fabric gets its name from the town of Chanderi in Ashok Nagar d...

Christopher Pinney

An anthropologist and scholar of visual culture and photography, Christo...

College of Art, New Delhi

Established in 1942, the College of Art, New Delhi is an educational ins...

Channapatna Wooden Toys

Manufactured using traditional methods, Channapatna wooden toys are name...

Censorship in Indian Art

Beginning under colonial rule in the nineteenth century, censorship of a...

Contemporary Indian Art

Emerging in the early 1990s, contemporary Indian art is characterised by...


Active in the early twelfth century, Chavana was a master sculptor worki...

Devi Art Foundation

A museum and gallery located in the city of Gurugram, the Devi Art Found...


Invented by French artist Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre in 1839, the dagu...

Delhi Art Gallery

Established in 1993, Delhi Art Gallery (also known as DAG), is a modern ...

Delhi Silpi Chakra

An artists’ collective founded in the years following Indian independenc...


Sculptures of semi-divine and divine mythological beings that flank ...


The process of casting brass, bronze and bell-metal objects using the lo...


A master sculptor who was active in Karnataka, India, between the last q...

Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum

Established in 1872 with the aim of promoting cultural education and awa...

Devayani Krishna

Modernist painter and printmaker known for her documentations of her tra...

Desire Machine Collective

An artist collective comprising Sonal Jain and Mriganka Madhukaillya, De...

Dhanraj Bhagat

A Modernist sculptor known for his distorted and elongated figurative co...

Deepika Sorabjee

A doctor and writer, Deepika Sorabjee has been the head of the arts and ...

Daanger Putul Nach

Also known as dang putul and daanger putul, daanger putul nach is a ...

Dashavatara Ganjifa

A seventeenth or eighteenth century version of Ganjifa, Dashavatara ...

Diwan Manna

An artist and photographer best known for his conceptual work, Diwan Man...

Dhruva N Chaudhuri

A photojournalist by profession, Dhruva N Choudhuri is best remembered f...

Deen Dayal & Sons

Established by photographer Lala Deen Dayal in the mid-1870s, Deen Dayal...

Darogah Abbas Ali

A professional photographer and engineer from Lucknow, present-day U...

Del Tufo & Co

An early twentieth-century photographic studio set up in Ceylon (now Sri...

Delhi Photo Festival

A biennial photography festival organised by the Nazar Foundation, the D...

Dayanita Singh

A photographer and artist whose practice spans art, photojournalism and ...

Descent of the Ganges or Arjuna’s Penance

A monumental mid-seventh century rock-cut sculptural relief at Mamal...

Draupadi Ratha

The smallest of the cluster of Pancha Rathas at Mamallapuram, the Dr...

Dharmaraja Ratha

The tallest shrine in the Pancha Ratha complex at Mamallapuram, the ...

Dhyana Mudra

Referring to the prince Siddhartha meditating under the pipal tree b...

Didarganj Yakshi

A life-sized Chunar stone statue of a female deity or guardian figur...

Devni Mori Sculptures

Terracotta statues found at the archaeological site of Devni Mori in...

Dharmachakra Mudra

The most common of the five main mudras in Buddhist art, the dharmachakr...

Deccani Manuscript Painting

Comprising the manuscript illustration traditions patronised by the ...

Deccan Megaliths

Large-scale stone structures associated with mortuary, ritualistic, and ...

Dashavatara Cave, Ellora

A Shaivite shrine in the Ellora cave temple complex, the Dashavatara...


A benevolent manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva, Dakshinamurti is ...

Dancing Girl

A bronze statuette depicting a free-standing nude female, the Dancing Gi...

Dashavatara Temple, Deogarh

One of the earliest structural Vaishnavite temples in ancient centra...


The son of acclaimed artist Bhavanidas, Dalchand was a painter who w...


Considered one of the best-known painters of Mughal miniatures in th...


A part of several traditional ensembles, such as the ghagra-choli an...

Double Ikat

An intricate and meticulous technique of tie-resist-dyeing, double ikat ...

Dastkari Haat Samiti

A not-for-profit organisation that supports Indian handicrafts, Dastkari...

Dhurrie Weaving

Thick, flat woven rugs or carpets, dhurries in India are primarily u...


A handwoven, ankle-length lower garment, the dakmanda is part of the tra...


A mud-resist printing technique practised in Rajasthan and Gujarat, ...

Darshan Dwar Phulkari

A type of phulkari typically donated to temples and gurudwaras, darshan ...


A long, unstitched piece of cloth draped around the lower body, the dhot...

Eri Silk

Derived from the cocoons of the Philosamia ricini silkworm, eri silk is ...


Founded by Priyanka Raja and Prateek Raja in 2009, Experimenter is an ar...

EB Havell

A British art historian, educator and administrator who worked in India ...

E Mayer

One of the first professional women photographers in India, Mrs E Mayer,...

Ebrahim Alkazi

A pioneering figure of Modernism in the arts in post-Independence India,...

Ellora Caves

Located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, the Ellora caves are ...

Early Deccan Rock Art

Found across the plateau, early Deccan rock art includes rock bruisings,...

Family of Man

Touted as the “greatest photographic exhibition of all time,” Family of ...

Francis Frith & Co

One of England’s largest photography printing studios and archives of th...

Felice Beato

An Italian-British photographer who worked in the Mediterranean, the Mi...

Farside Collective

Founded by the artists Debashish Borah and Hélène Th&eacut...

Farrukh Beg

Born in Iran and trained in Persian manuscript painting, Farrukh Beg...

Farrukhabad Block Printing

Known for its distinct range of patterns, especially, butis and Tree of ...


A clothing brand that sells Indian handlooms and home furnishing, Fabind...

Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art

A New Delhi-based arts non-profit, the Foundation for Indian Contemporar...

Feminism in Indian Art

Strands of feminist reflection, inquiry, and representation have run thr...

Four Scenes from the Life of the Buddha, Gandhara

Carved out of grey schist between the late second and early third centur...


A Chinese Buddhist monk and traveller who lived in the fourth and fifth ...

Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda

Founded in 1950, the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University...

FN Souza

One of the founding members of the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group...

Fraser Album

Featuring the work of Indian artists and commissioned by James Baill...

Fagli Masks

Made from materials like wood, clay, metal and polychrome, fagli masks a...

Gesso Painting

A preparatory step in painting or decoration, Gesso painting formed ...

Gigi Scaria

A multimedia artist specialising in video art and sculpture, Gigi Sc...

Government College of Art and Craft, Kolkata

One of the oldest art institutions in India, the Government College of A...

Group 1890

Formed in 1962 when twelve Indian artists gathered in Bhavnagar, Gujarat...

Gita Wolf

An author, publisher and curator, Gita Wolf founded the publishing impri...

Gieve Patel

A poet, playwright and figurative painter, as well as a practising p...

Gayatri Sinha

A Delhi-based independent art scholar, curator and critic, Gayatri Sinha...

Geeta Kapur

A scholar, curator and critic, Geeta Kapur is recognised for her critica...

Ghulam Ali Khan

Painting in the years 1817–52 while primarily based in what is now New D...


A gallery that promotes contemporary South Asian art practices and repre...

G Ravinder Reddy

A contemporary sculptor known for his large-scale works inspired by Indi...

Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke

An art gallery based in Mumbai specialising in modern and contemporary a...

Gaganendranath Tagore

An artist, actor, and stage and costume designer, Gaganendranath Tag...

Gulam Rasool Santosh

A Modernist artist and member of the Baroda School, Gulam Rasool Santosh...

Gulammohammed Sheikh

An Indian Modernist painter, poet and educator, Gulammohammed Sheikh...

Gujral Foundation

An arts organisation founded by philanthropist Feroze Gujral and her hus...


A form of musical theatre performed in the Malda district of West Bengal...

Goan Crochet

A craft believed to have been introduced to Goa by the Portuguese nuns o...

Gota Work

The use of gold and silver ribbons, or gota, to embellish a variety of f...


A silk brocade fabric decorated with gold and silver threads, gyaser (al...

Ghunghat Bagh

A type of bagh characterised by a large, decorated triangle along its lo...


Worn by women across North India, the ghagra is a gathered, skirt-like g...


An embroidered Kashmiri rug made by repurposing old woollen blankets and...

Geographical Indication

A provision of intellectual property that came into effect in 2003, the ...


A hand-knotted carpet woven from wool and cotton yarn, galeecha has its ...


An international photography festival specialising in site-specific inst...

Ghasiram Hardev Sharma

One of the chief painters and photographers associated with the Shrinath...

Gauri Gill

A photographer creating work that is politically and socially aware, Gau...

GK Vale

Established in 1910, GK Vale is a prominent photo studio located on MG R...

Gangaikondacholapuram Temple Sculptures

Completed around 1030 CE by the Chola ruler Rajendra I, the Brihadis...

Gudimallam Stone Lingam

A phallic sculpture in the tradition of the Shaiva cult, dated to se...

Gomateshvara Statue, Shravanabelagola

Completed around the year 983 CE, the Gomateshvara Statue at Shravan...

Gateways at Sanchi Stupa I

Four intricately carved sandstone gateways, or toranas, which were a...

Gandharan Sculpture

A genre of sculpture that arose and developed between 100 BCE and 70...

Gopalila Kundhei

A form of string puppetry practised in Odisha, gopalila kundhei, also kn...

Godawari Dutta

A first-generation painter of the Madhubani tradition, Godawari Dutta wa...


A form of glove puppetry from the state of Uttar Pradesh, Gulabo-Sitabo ...


Commonly understood as the practice of tattooing, godna is an ancient ar...


A form of self-defence that developed in the Undivided Punjab region...


An umbrella term for the different versions of Ganjifa found in Odis...

Gomera Masks

Distinctive wooden masks, gomera masks are used for the gomera dance in ...


A Persian card game that has been popular in the Indian subcontinent sin...

Gond Painting

A painting tradition found within the larger Gond community, Gond Painti...

Ganga Devi

Credited as a pioneering artist of Madhubani painting, Ganga Devi is kno...

Gautam Rajadhyaksha

A fashion photographer and celebrity portraitist working across Mumbai’s...

Government College of Fine Arts, Chennai

Established in the 1850s as an arts institution with a focus on decorati...


A winged creature in Buddhist, Jain and Hindu mythology. He is the mount...

Golden Grass Craft

A yellow coloured grass that grows in the marshy areas of northeastern O...

Goan Ivory Statuettes

Made in colonial Goa in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ivory s...

Green Tara

A principal form of Tara, particularly popular in Tibetan Buddhism, Gree...

Gomateshvara Statue, Venur

A nearly twelve-metre tall monolith, the Gomateshvara Statue in Venur is...

Herve Perdriolle

A collector, critic, and curator, Herve Perdriolle is known for his role...

Henry H Cole

One of the earliest writers on the subject of Indian architecture and ar...

Half Sari

A traditional dress worn by adolescent girls, the half sari is a garment...

Heer Embroidery

Widely practised in the Kathiawar region of Rajasthan, heer embroide...


A brocade fabric woven by blending cotton and silk, himroo was devel...

Himmat Shah

A Modernist artist associated with the Baroda School and Group 1890, Him...

Homi J Bhabha

A preeminent nuclear scientist and the architect of India’s nuclear prog...

HH Art Spaces

An artist residency space and curatorial collective founded by artists N...

Hemendranath Mazumdar

An artist best known for his naturalistic oil paintings of women, He...

Hemali Bhuta

The co-founder of CONA, a collaborative artist-run space, Hema Bhuta is ...

Haren Das

An artist and printmaker working during the mid-twentieth century, H...

Hema Upadhyay

An artist best known for her installations that reflected narratives...

Hetain Patel

Born in Bolton, UK to Gujarati parents, Hetain Patel is a British visual...

Hurrychund Chintamon

One of India’s earliest commercial photographers who specialised in port...

Henri Cartier-Bresson in India

A pioneering photographer of the twentieth century, Henri Cartier-Bresso...

Homai Vyarawalla

An official photographer for the British government and a widely rec...

Harry Gruyaert

A Belgian photographer known for creating colour-focussed compositions,...

Hamilton Studios

Established in 1928 by Victor Sassoon in Bombay (now Mumbai), Hamilton S...

Haleema Hashim

Known for her photographs of the Kutchi Memon community in Kerala, Halee...

Headless Kanishka Statue

Carved from red and white spotted sandstone, the statue of the Kusha...

Hand of Fatima

A talismanic symbol traditionally found in Abrahamic religions, particul...


An illustrated manuscript on an epic of the same name, Hamzanama is ...


  A painter of illustrated manuscripts, Hashim was employed ...

Indian Memory Project

Founded in 2010 by photographer Anusha Yadav, Indian Memory Project is a...

India Through the Stereoscope: A Journey Through Hindustan

Published by Underwood & Underwood, USA in 1904, India Through the S...

Indira Debi

Among the first Indian female photographers of the twentieth century, I...

Images of India

Held at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1960, Images of...

Indus Valley Terracotta Human Figurines

Excavated from several sites associated with the Indus Valley Civili...

Indus Valley Terracotta Animal Figurines

A subset of the figurines excavated from several sites associated with t...

Indus Valley Stamp Seals

Square or rectangular objects used for stamping that are typically made ...

Indus Valley Iconography

A vast body of pictographic signs, abstract and geometric symbols and fi...


A natural dye extracted from the Indigofera tinctoria plant native to So...

Indian Textiles at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Comprising over fifty thousand specimens, the collection of Indian Texti...


A western European variety of chintz or printed calico textiles that...

India Art Fair

An annual commercial art fair held in New Delhi, the India Art Fair (IAF...

Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation

Established in 1976 by Indoo Shivdasani, the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundatio...


A printmaking technique that uses variations of scratching, cutting ...

India Foundation for the Arts

A Bengaluru-based non-profit organisation that funds art practitioners a...

Jyoti Bhatt

An artist known for his Modernist paintings and prints, Jyotindra Ma...

Jogen Chowdhury

Born in Daharpara village in the Faridpur district of present-day Ba...

Jhaveri Contemporary

Established in 2010 by sisters Amrita and Priya Jhaveri, Jhaveri Contemp...

Jehangir Nicholson

A businessman and collector of Indian art, Jehangir KS Nicholson is know...

Jehangir Art Gallery

A historical and prominent art gallery in Mumbai, the Jehangir Art Galle...

Jin Sook Shinde

South Korean artist known for her experimentations with traditional artf...

Jeram Patel

Modernist artist and founding member of Group 1890, Jeram Patel is known...

Jangarh Singh Shyam

A pioneer of the Jangarh Kalam, Jangarh Singh Shyam was an artist from e...

Jitish Kallat

A contemporary artist working across mediums such as painting, sculpture...

Jehangir Sabavala

A painter known for bringing together modernist techniques such as i...

Jagannath Panda

A contemporary artist and sculptor, Jagannath Panda is known for his sit...

Jagdish Swaminathan

Modernist artist, critic and one of the key figures of Indian art histor...

Jamini Roy

Known as the father of folk renaissance in India, Jamini Roy was an ...

James Skinner

A soldier and leading patron of Delhi artists in the nineteenth cent...

James Fergusson

A Scottish architect and historian known for producing the first compreh...

Jail Carpet Weaving

A practice of weaving carpets by incarcerated craftspersons, jail carpet...


A coarse, light and strong fibre extracted from plants of the Corchorus ...

Jasleen Dhamija

A prominent historian in the field of Indian textiles, Jasleen Dhamija c...

Jaya Jaitly

Craft revivalist, activist, politician and writer, Jaya Jaitly is known ...

John Irwin

An English curator and scholar, John C Irwin is best known for his writ...


A loose-fitting open-front tunic with a flared skirt and tied on the sid...


A cotton brocade characterised by floral patterns, jamdani is a ligh...


A large patterned floor spread, jajam is made communally in rural househ...

Johnston & Hoffmann

Founded in 1882 by PA Johnston and Theodore Julius Hoffmann, Johnsto...

John McCosh

A Scottish photographer and military surgeon with the British East Indi...

John Marshall

An archaeologist and the Director General of Archaeology (DGA) in Br...


Inaugurated in 2016 as Travel Photo Jaipur, JaipurPhoto is an internatio...

James Waterhouse

An English photographer and army officer who worked in British India, Ja...

Jivya Soma Mashe

The first Warli artist to begin painting on canvas, Jivya Soma Mashe is ...

Jangarh Kalam

Conceived after the practice of the artist Jangarh Singh Shyam, Jangarh ...

Jatra Masks

Makeup and face painting used for occasionally accompanied with masks, j...


A form of decorative art, jhoti or chita is widely practised in the stat...

Jyotindra Jain

A scholar, museologist and educationist, Jyotindra Jain is the former di...

Jeet Malhotra

A modernist architect and photographer, Jeet Malhotra is notably remem...

Jehangir N Unwalla

Working mostly in the pictorialist style, Jehangir N Unwalla was one of ...


Initially credited as the architect and sculptor of several temples in t...

Jorwe Culture

Dated to the mid-second millennium BCE to 1000 CE during the Chalcolithi...

Khovar Painting

A traditional mural painting used to decorate nuptial chambers, Khovar p...


A form of string puppetry practised in the north Indian state of Rajasth...

Kathi Kundhei Nacha

Also known as ramalila kandhei nata and kandhei nach, kathi kundhei nach...

Kundan Jadau

Originating in the courts of Rajasthan and Gujarat, kundan is a form of...

Kavad Mobile Shrines

A painted, wooden structure, kavad is a portable shrine or temple used w...


A decorative floor design originating in Tamil Nadu, kolam is create...


A classical dance form with theatrical elements, kathakali is charac...

Kathakali Masks

Consisting of makeup, face painting, and stylised masks, kathakali mask...

Kalasutri Bahulya

A form of string puppetry practised by members of the Thakar community, ...


A papier-mache craft that originated in the Kashmir region, kari-kalamda...


Believed to have originated in the third century BCE, kalaripayattu is a...

Kushal Ray

A former sports journalist, Kushal Ray now works as an independent phot...

Kavita Singh

An art historian, writer and academic, Kavita Singh specialises in the h...

Kalakshetra Foundation

Founded by the noted dancer and cultural revivalist Rukmini Devi Arundal...

Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

Launched in 2010, the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art was the first private mu...

Kowdhi Quilts

A patchwork quilting tradition practised by women in northern Karnataka ...


Worn by both men and women, the kurta was initially a collarless, fi...

Kullu Shawl

A twill-weave shawl woven in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, characterised...

Kerman Carpets

Woven in Kerman, Southeast Persia (now Iran), Kerman carpets were introd...


Flatweave, pileless rugs usually made of wool, kilims are produced i...


Pile carpets woven on a vertical loom, believed to have originated in Ti...


Traditionally hand-spun and hand-woven, khadi is a cotton fabric kno...

Kota Doria

A fine, handwoven textile made of cotton and silk, Kota Doria is largely...

Kasuti Embroidery

An embroidery tradition from Karnataka that dates back to the fiftee...


An embroidered shawl made by the women of the Dongria Kondh tribe in...

Kashmir Loom

A luxury brand that specialises in creating pashmina products, Kashmir L...

Kashidakari Embroidery

An umbrella term for embroidery traditions which originate in Kashmir an...


A variety of silk saree woven in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, Kanjivaram...


One half of the popular pan-Indian attire known as the salwar-kameez...

Kandangi Sari

Woven with thick and coarse cotton in Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, the kandang...

Kantha Embroidery

A household craft practised by women from West Bengal and Bangladesh, ka...

Kashmiri Shawl

Warm, lightweight handloom garments originally made in Kashmir using pas...

Kani Weaving

The practice of creating intricate designs on a handloom using a complex...

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay

Freedom activist and social reformer known for her participation in the ...


Woven and hand-knotted carpets used as floor coverings and prayer mats, ...


A textile tradition where cotton textiles are traditionally hand-painted...

Khatwa Appliqué

An applique tradition from Bihar and Jharkhand — particularly the Sitama...

Katab Appliqué

An applique tradition from Gujarat and Rajasthan, katab applique is trad...

KV Haridasan

Painter considered to be the pioneer of Neo-Tantric modern and conte...

Krishna Reddy

Modernist printmaker, sculptor and art teacher, Krishna Reddy was known ...

Krishen Khanna

A self-taught painter and sculptor, Krishen Khanna rose to prominenc...

Kochi-Muziris Biennale

An international art event that takes place every two years, the Kochi-M...

KG Subramanyan

Modernist painter and educator, KG Subramanyan is known for his narrativ...

KK Hebbar

Born in Kattingeri, near Udupi, Karnataka, Kattingeri Krishna Hebbar...

Ketaki Sheth

A photographer known for her black-and-white documentary photographs, Ke...

Kiran Subbaiah

An artist working primarily with photography and video, Kiran Subbaiah i...

Kausik Mukhopadhyay

Contemporary artist known for his dynamic sculptural installations, Kaus...

Kanayi Kunhiraman

A contemporary sculptor and painter, Kanayi Kunhiraman is known for his ...

Kalighat Painting

A tradition of watercolour painting that originated in Calcutta (now...

Kala Bhavana, Shantiniketan

Established in 1919 by Rabindranath Tagore, Kala Bhavana is a school...

Kekoo Gandhy

A patron and gallerist of modern Indian art, Kekoo Gandhy is known for e...

Kanwal Krishna

Modernist painter and printmaker, Kanwal Krishna was one of the first ar...

Kanoria Centre for Arts

A non-profit institution and multifunctional art centre that facilitates...

KCS Paniker

Born in Coimbatore, India, Kovalezhi Cheerampathoor Sankara Paniker ...

KHOJ International Artists’ Association

A not-for-profit organisation for the contemporary arts, KHOJ Internatio...

Kanu Gandhi

As a self-taught photographer, Kanu Gandhi is best known for his persona...

Karen Knorr

German-born American photographer Karen Knorr specialises in a multi-gen...

Kashmir Photo Collective

Founded by Nathaniel Brunt and Alisha Sett in 2014, the Kashmir Photo Co...

Kulwant Roy

A pioneering Indian photojournalist photographing for much of the tw...

Kishor Parekh

A twentieth-century photojournalist known for transforming the use of ph...


A member of the Tuluva dynasty of Vijayanagara, centred in Hampi in pres...

Kushan Chaturmukha Linga

A second century Chaturmukha, or four-faced linga, found in Mathura,...

Karle Caves

A group of sixteen Buddhist rock-cut caves located in Maharashtra, t...

Kishangarh School of Painting

A tradition of Rajput painting, the Kishangarh school of painting em...

Kailasanatha Temple, Ellora

Also known as the Kailasa and Cave 16, the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora...

Kalyanasundara, Elephanta Cave 1

A relief depicting the wedding of Shiva and his consort Parvati, the Kal...

Kailasanathar Temple, Kanchipuram

An eighth-century Shaivite temple constructed with the patronage of the ...

Lala Deen Dayal

A pioneering Indian photographer in British India, Lala Deen Dayal, also...

Lost-wax Process

Also known as cire perdue in French, the lost-wax process or “investment...

Lion Capital, Sarnath

One of the earliest stone sculptures made under the patronage of the...

Lauriya Nandangarh Pillar

One of the monolithic pillars commissioned by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka...

Lac Dye

A water-soluble colourant, lac dye is usually red to burgundy in colour ...


A tubular, sarong-like lower garment, the lungi is worn by men and w...


A popular floral motif used in textiles, the symbol of lotus bears signi...


A wrap-resist-dyeing technique practised in the state of Rajasthan, ...

Laila Tyabji

Revivalist, writer and co-founder of Dastkar Society for Crafts & Cr...

Laithibi Jagoi

A form of string puppetry practised in the north-east Indian state of Ma...

Lado Bai

An artist best known for her paintings of the rituals of the Bhil commu...

Lac Ware

Made from a resinous substance extracted from the lacca insect, lac ware...

Longpi Pottery

Recognisable through its characteristic black colour and minimalist ...

Lalit Kala Akademi

Founded as an autonomous organisation in New Delhi in 1954 by the Indian...

Land Art

An art movement or genre located within site-specific sculpture and inst...


A printmaking technique used for printing monochrome and colour images, ...

Laxma Goud

A modernist painter and printmaker, Kalal Laxma Goud is known for hi...

Lalu Prasad Shaw

One of the foremost graphic artists of the country, Lalu Prasad Shaw...

Mulk Raj Anand

A writer, philosopher and activist, Mulk Raj Anand was considered a pio...

Mitter Bedi

An Indian photographer best known for his industrial photography, Mi...

MF Husain

Artist and poet Maqbool Fida Husain is known for paintings characterised...

Mrinalini Mukherjee

A sculptor renowned for her use of fibre and bronze to create large,...

Minal Vazirani

President of the auction-house Saffronart, as well as an arts administra...

Mithu Sen

An artist known for her use of various techniques and media, Mithu Sen e...


A publication focusing on arts and culture in India that brings out a qu...

Milo Cleveland Beach

An art historian and curator, Milo Cleveland Beach has produced extensiv...

Minam Apang

An artist known for her abstract landscapes and references to regional ...

Manu Parekh

Contemporary Modernist artist, Manu Parekh is renowned for his colourful...

Manjit Bawa

Born in Dhuri, Punjab, Manjit Bawa was a modern Indian artist who specia...

Madras Art Movement

First emerging the 1960s in Madras (now Chennai), the Madras Art Movemen...

Manish Nai

An Indian artist working with mediums such as murals, photography and in...

Manisha Parekh

A contemporary visual artist known for her abstractionist paintings and...

Madhvi Parekh

A self-taught contemporary artist, Madhvi Parekh is known for her narrat...

Murals at Virabhadra Temple, Lepakshi

Paintings on the ceilings of Virabhadra temple dedicated to the god ...

Murals and Sculptures of Thiksey Monastery

One of the largest monasteries in Ladakh, Thiksey Monastery is built on ...

Murals and Sculptures of Alchi Monastery

Both religious and secular in nature, these sculptures and mural paintin...

Murals and Sculptures of Basgo Monastery

Located among the ruins of a citadel in Ladakh in northern India, Basgo ...

Mughal Manuscript Painting

A major tradition of miniature painting in the history of South Asia...

Mother Goddess

A representation of any female deity believed to express qualities such ...

Mir Sayyid Ali

Considered by scholars as one of the founders of the Mughal school of p...

Mudras in Buddhist Art

A set of hand gestures and finger positions that serve as representa...

Minto Album

One of the most well-known muraqqas from South Asia, the Minto album...

Marwar School of Painting

A style of court painting established in the erstwhile state of Jodh...

Mauryan Ringstones

Small ring-shaped stones, typically made from sandstone or steatite, wit...


A painter for the Mughal court, Mansur worked during the reigns of Akbar...

Mewar School of Painting

A tradition of painting that emerged between the seventeenth and eig...

Manuscript Painting

Also called miniature paintings due to their intricacy and small sca...


A textile woven from a variety of cotton species, muslin is characterise...

Mundum Neriyathum

Made of handwoven, starched cotton, the mundum neriyathum is the traditi...

Muga Silk

Often golden amber or creamy white in colour with a smooth texture and s...

Moda Goa

​​An upcoming museum of costumes from India, the Moda Goa Mu...

Mizo Puan

A traditional lower garment worn by various communities in Mizoram, the ...

Mayank Mansingh Kaul

A textile designer, writer and curator, Mayank Mansingh Kaul is best kno...

Mising Gadu

Made by the indigenous Mising community of Assam also known as the Mishi...

Monisha Ahmed

An anthropologist and cultural researcher, Monisha Ahmed is known for he...

Mekhela Chador

A traditional, hand woven garment of Assam, the mekhela chador is a hand...

Mulberry Silk

A natural silk fiber produced by processing the cocoons of the domes...

Mata Ni Pachedi

A traditional form of textile painting for the ritual worship of the...

Martand Singh

A historian, fashion designer and curator, Martand Singh is notable as ...

Machilipatnam Block Prints

A form of kalamkari from southern India, where designs are printed, inst...

Madder Dye

A natural red colorant extracted from the roots of the Indian madder or ...

Maheshwari Sari

A cotton and silk sari developed in Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh, Maheshwar...


A lustrous cotton and silk fabric that likely originated in the Kutch an...

Museum Bhavan

Published in 2017 by Steidl, Museum Bhavan is a collection of nine pocke...

Mitter Bedi Studio

In 1956, photographer Mitter Bedi and his brother Raj Bedi set up the Mi...

Museo Camera

A not-for-profit photography museum in Gurugram, Haryana, that houses a ...

Manobina Roy

One of the earliest women photographers of twentieth-century India, Mano...

Mahatta & Co

Owned by the Mahatta family since its establishment in 1915, Mahatta &am...

Maurice Vidal Portman

A British naval officer and assistant superintendent at the British-...

Mira Choudhuri

Among the first female Indian photographers of the twentieth century, M...

Max Pinckers

A Belgian art and documentary photographer, Max Pinckers is known fo...

Mary Ellen Mark

An acclaimed American photographer best known for documentary photograph...

Marc Riboud

A widely celebrated French photographer, Marc Riboud is known for hi...

Maharaja Sawai Ram Singh II

Known for his photographic practice and pro-reform state policies, S...

Madan Mahatta

A photographer known primarily for his architectural photographs documen...

Malwa School of Painting

A sub-school within the larger framework of Central Indian painting, the...


A bodhisattva believed to be a future Buddha, Maitreya has been frequent...


A notable manuscript painter, Manaku worked in the courts of Guler and B...

Mahendravarman I

A king of the Pallava dynasty, Mahendravarman I ruled over parts of pres...

Madanikas at Chennakeshava Temple, Belur

A group of thirty-six large relief sculptures of women, the Madanikas ar...


Sacred geometric images found in Buddhist, Hindu and Jain art, mandalas ...


Native to the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, muggu (also known ...


A form of enamel painting, primarily used in fine jewellery, meenakari, ...

Mayur and Tushar Vayeda

Artists and siblings from the Warli community of Western India, Mayur an...

Mayank Singh Shyam

An artist working in the tradition of Pradhan Gond painting, also known ...

Mardaani Khel

Originating in the Indian Deccan region, mardaani khel was a popular arm...

Moksha Patam

Also known as Gyan Chaupar, Moksha Patam is a board game dating back...

Manjusha Painting

Practised primarily in Bhagalpur, Bihar, Manjusha painting includes narr...

Mahasundari Devi

A painter trained in the Madhubani or Mithila tradition, Mahasundari Dev...

Madhubani Painting

Also known as Mithila or Maithil painting, Madhubani painting is a r...


A practice of mural art, mandana comprises floor and wall paintings,...


A form of folk performance popular in the region of Malwa in Madhya Prad...

Mysore Ganjifa

An umbrella term for thirteen chada (card) games based on Ganjifa, the M...

Mukhada Masks

Locally-constructed facial masks used by tribal communities in Madhya Pr...

Muria Ghotul Painting

A form of mural art practiced by the Muria community residing in the Bas...

Meenakshi Temple, Madurai

Also known as the Meenakshi Sundaresvara Temple, the Meenakshi Temple is...


A Buddhist deity and a bodhisattva, Marichi is seen as a remover of dark...

Mihr Chand

An artist of the Awadh style of painting active in the second half of th...

Mauryan Iconography

Noted for its precision and restraint, the iconography of Mauryan art is...

Naqsh Ganjifa

A gambling game played with cards, Naqsh Ganjifa is notable for its uniq...


A form of string puppetry practised by members of the Nair community in ...


A form of folk theatre involving imitation and clownery, Naqal is perfor...

Nirmal Painting

Made by the Naqash community of Nirmal and Hyderabad in Telangana, Nirm...


A popular folk theatre form that combines music, dance, dialogue and nar...


A Sanskrit text on dramaturgy, poetics and aesthetics, the Natyashastra ...


One of the most significant miniature painters of the eighteenth cen...

Nihal Chand

A master artist at the Rajput court of Kishangarh, Nihal Chand (also...


Hand-felted and embroidered rugs produced in parts of Kashmir, Himachal ...

Namawali Chadar

Printed, woven, painted or embroidered with the name of a deity or a sac...

Nivi Drape

One of the most common drapes of the saree, the Nivi drape is a popular ...

Navalgund Dhurries

A thick, flat-woven rug or carpet produced in Karnataka, India, that is ...

Nilak Phulkari

A type of phulkari made on a neela khaddar, or base cloth, dyed with in...

Nehru Jacket

Named after the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, the...

NS Harsha

Mysuru-based artist NS Harsha is known for his paintings on canvas and b...

NS Bendre

An Indian Modernist artist, painter and educator, Narayan Shridhar Bendr...

Neo-Tantric Art

A formal and thematic category of painting conceived in India, Neo-Tantr...

Nirode Mazumdar

One of the founding members of the Calcutta Group, Nirode Mazumdar was a...

Navin Thomas

A sculptor, mixed media artist and sound artist, Navin Thomas uses found...

NN Rimzon

Contemporary artist of the Baroda School, NN Rimzon is known for his dra...

Neha Choksi

A multidisciplinary artist based in Los Angeles and Mumbai, Neha Choksi ...

Nature Morte

A gallery based in New Delhi, Nature Morte promotes photography, install...

Nikhil Chopra

A contemporary performance artist, Nikhil Chopra uses his art to examin...

Nilima Sheikh

Born in New Delhi, Nilima Sheikh is an artist and writer with a prac...

National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai

Established in 1996, the National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai is admin...

National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi

Inaugurated in1954 by then-Vice President Dr S Radhakrishnan and Prime M...

National Crafts Museum & Hastkala Academy, Delhi

Formerly known as the National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum, the Nat...

Nalini Malani

A painter and video installation artist, Nalini Malani is known for ...

Nagji Patel

An Indian Modernist sculptor known for his use of marble, stone carving ...

Natasha Ginwala

A curator and art writer, Natasha Ginwala’s work is concerned wit...

Nandalal Bose

A pedagogue and one of the first Indian Modern artists, Nandalal Bos...

Nasreen Mohamedi

A Minimalist artist known for her stark abstract drawings and photograph...

Naman P Ahuja

As a writer, academic and curator, Naman P Ahuja specialises in the his...

Nada Raza

Asian-British curator and researcher whose research interests span art a...

Norman Parkinson

A twentieth-century British portrait and fashion photographer, Norman P...

Narayan Daji

A nineteenth-century photographer, doctor and academic, Narayan Daji was...

Nemai Ghosh

A self-taught documentary photographer of Bengali cinema and theatre, Ne...

Narayan Virkar

An Indian portrait photographer and photojournalist who was active in th...

National 35

Manufactured by National Instruments Ltd. in Jadavpur, Calcutta (now Kol...

Nandini Valli Muthiah

Characterised by its use of colour and elaborate stagings, Nandini Vall...

Nandita Raman

Primarily a lens-based artist, Nandita Raman engages with themes such as...

Nakula Sahadeva Ratha

One among the Pancha Rathas at Mamallapuram, the Nakula Sahadeva Ratha i...


One of the dancing forms of the Hindu god Shiva, Nataraja is most co...

OP Sharma

As a pictorialist photographer and educator, OP Sharma is best known for...

Odisha Ikat

A technique of resist-dyed ikat weaving practised in Odisha, Odisha ikat...

Odia Jatra

A form of regional theatre performed primarily in the states of Odisha...

Odia Pattachitra

A painting tradition of Odisha and West Bengal, Pattachitra is most clos...

Olivia Fraser

A Scottish artist known for her portrayals of Indian tradition, cult...


A large-scale colour printing technique, oleography is a form of lithogr...

Portuguese Printing

The practice and technologies of printing introduced in India by the mis...

Pors & Rao

Established in 2004 by Indo-Danish artist duo Søren Pors and Aparna Rao,...

Parmeshwar Godrej

A philanthropist and patron of the arts, Parmeshwar Godrej was a collect...

Patna School

Also known as Patna Kalam, the Patna School is a style of painting g...

Paula Sengupta

A writer, academic and artist, Paula Sengupta works primarily in pri...

Paresh Maity

Contemporary artist who has worked across mediums, including paintin...

Piramal Museum

A private art museum in Mumbai, the Piramal Museum of Art was establishe...

Paritosh Sen

A Modernist painter and one of the founding members of the Calcutta ...

Project 88

A Mumbai-based gallery specialising in contemporary art practice with a ...

Prabhakar Barwe

A painter, best known for abstract modernist paintings that reflect the ...

Pushpamala N

With an art practice that centres around photo and video performance...

Prateek and Priyanka Raja

Co-founders of the Experimenter Gallery, Kolkata, Prateek Raja and Priya...

Puranic Paintings

A popular genre of late medieval and early modern figurative art in Indi...

Pit Loom

One of the earliest types of horizontal looms, the manually operated pit...

Pupul Jayakar

Indian activist, writer and revivalist, Pupul Jayakar is known for intro...


Resist-dyed and mordant-painted cotton textiles similar to chintz, pinta...

Pochampally Ikat

A term encompassing textiles and garments made of cotton, silk or sico i...


A Persian word meaning “curtain” or “veil,” purd...


A devotional tradition where the cloth was painted with images for vener...


An embroidery tradition historically practiced and inherited by the wome...


The national dress of the state of Mizoram, the puan is a long, handwove...

Phi and Phanek

Worn together, the phi and phanek comprise the traditional attire of the...


A folk tradition of scroll-painting in Bengal, patua combines visual and...

Patnulu Khadi

One of the only surviving examples of hand-spun cotton in India, Patnulu...


A bed cover made with hand-painted or woodblock-printed chintz, palampor...

Patan Patola

Double ikat textiles woven in silk with meticulous attention to detail, ...


A fine variety of yarn obtained from the fleece of Changthangi goats nat...


A popular lower garment worn by both men and women across India, the...

Paola Manfredi

An Italian ethnologist, Paola Manfredi is most notable for her work on c...


The tradition of iconographic painting practised in West Bengal and ...


A popular motif used in textile design, in the shape of a curvilinea...

Patola Weaving

A traditional method of weaving fabric, patola weaving follows the doubl...

Pabuji Ki Phad

A devotional tradition of scroll paintings from Rajasthan wherein the ep...

Painters with a Camera

Held in 1968 at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay (now Mumbai), Painters ...

Pablo Batholomew

An independent photographer and photojournalist, Pablo Bartholomew’s wor...

Photographic Society of Bombay

An organisation of British and Indian amateur photographers, the Photogr...


A digital online platform for Indian and South Asian contemporary photog...

Photographic Society of Madras

The oldest existing photography society in India, the Photographic Soci...

Prashant Panjiar

A photojournalist and documentary photographer, Prashant Panjiar is kno...

Prabuddha Dasgupta

Considered one of India’s foremost commercial and fine art photogr...

Poulomi Basu

A photographer, transmedia artist and activist known for her portrayals ...

Pranlal Patel

One of India’s first street photographers, Pranlal Patel chronicle...

Pala Illustrated Manuscript Painting

Bound and painted palm-leaf books commissioned during the reign of the P...

Pashupati Seal

A well-known stamp seal from the Indus Valley, the Pashupati seal is...

Pompeii Lakshmi

A carved ivory statuette of a female figure, the Pompeii Lakshmi was rec...

Pancha Rathas, Mamallapuram

A complex of five monolithic, rock-cut, granite structures located in Ma...

Pillar of Heliodorus

A free-standing, sandstone pillar measuring 6.5 metres in height, the He...

Pallava Art and Architecture

Cultural patronage from members of the Pallava Dynasty, from the early s...

Pahari Manuscript Painting

Manuscript and muraqqa illustration traditions in kingdoms at the fo...

Pala Bronze Sculptures

Depicting figures from Buddhist and Hindu mythology, the Pala bronze...

Pachmarhi Cave Paintings

From the Hindi panch (five) and marhi (caves or huts), meaning “a ...

Putala Nach

Putala nach, also known as putul nach and putola nach, is a form of stri...

Pushpa Kumari

A second-generation Madhubani artist, Pushpa Kumari was born in the vill...

Prahlad Natak Masks

Painted masks made of wood or papier mache, Prahlad Natak masks are ...


Originating from the regions of Saraikela and Singhbhum in Jharkhand, pa...


A form of ritual performance involving dance and theatre, padayani i...

Pithora Painting

A mural painting tradition central to the socio-religious practices of t...


A folk performance that dramatises episodes from the Mahabharata, pandva...

Phad Painting

A form of scroll painting from the Mewar region of Rajasthan, Phad paint...

Padayani Masks

Colourful masks which may also include tiered headgear, padayani masks a...

Prahlad Natak

A musical theatre form most popular in Odisha today, Prahlad Natak e...

Pema Fatya

A renowned lekhindra (hereditary artist) of the Pithora painting traditi...


Meant to be played by two or four people, Pachisi is a cross and cir...

Pallava Rock-cut Sculpture

Known for making use of hard materials such as granite, gneiss and charn...

Progressive Painters’ Association, Madras

Established in 1944 by the artist and art educator KCS Paniker, the Prog...


Located in New Delhi, PHOTOINK is notable for being one of the very few ...

Public Art in India

Comprising large-scale sculpture, murals and installations, public artwo...

Patiala Necklace

Containing a total of 2930 diamonds with the De Beers yellow diamond as ...

Patiala Ruby Choker

Commissioned by Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala (r. 1900–1938), the ...

Pearl Carpet of Baroda

An exceptionally rich piece of tapestry, the bejewelled carpet popularly...

Pattu Weaving

Used for weaving wool in narrow strips, or patti, that are then stitched...

Ravana Chhaya

Found in the state of Odisha, Ravana chhaya is a shadow puppetry traditi...

Rajwar Clay Art

A form of decorative relief clay art, Rajwar clay art originated in the ...

Ramayana Ganjapa

A version of Ganjifa — locally called Ganjapa — played in Odisha, Ramaya...

Rabankata Masks

Carved from wood, rabankata masks are used to celebrate the Rabankata Ut...

Rajesh Vangad

An artist of the Warli tradition of painting, Rajesh Vangad is a painter...

Ram Singh Urveti

A painter from the Gond-Pradhan community, known for his paintings of tr...

Ram Rahman

A photographer, curator, and activist, Ram Rahman is primarily known fo...

Rajiv Savara

An art collector known for his extensive collection of pre-modern and mo...

Rameshwar Broota

A painter known for depicting the male body in various forms — from musc...

Ruvari Mallithamma

Known to have worked over a span of more than sixty years during the thi...

Rajeev Sethi

A designer, curator and scenographer, Rajeev Sethi has conceptualised a...


Literally meaning handkerchief, the rumal is a square-shaped cloth garme...

Rosemary Crill

A British researcher and scholar specialising in Indian textiles and pai...

Rta Kapur Chishti

A textile scholar, Rta Kapur Chishti has spent decades researching and d...


A cotton quilt made in Jaipur, the razai is popular across households in...

Ruchira Ghose

An economist, researcher and scholar, Dr Ruchira Ghose is notable for he...

Rukmini Devi Arundale

Indian classical dancer and theosophist, Rukmini Devi Arundale is known ...

Real Madras Handkerchief

A cotton cloth patterned with colourful plaid checks, Real Madras Handke...


A textile painting tradition from Kutch, Gujarat which where coloured pa...

Rummana Hussain

One of India’s foremost performance and conceptual artists, Rummana Huss...

Rudolf von Leyden

A German art critic who rose to prominence in Bombay (now Mumbai), Rudol...

Roobina Karode

A curator, writer and art educator, Roobina Karode is the Chief Curator ...

Rosalyn D’Mello

An interdisciplinary columnist, editor and art critic, Rosalyn D’Mello’s...

Riyas Komu

A multimedia artist, photographer, sculptor, and curator, Riyas Komu is ...

Rohini Devasher

An artist whose practice lies at the intersection of science and art...

Rupam Magazine

The quarterly journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, Rupam: An I...

RK Laxman

One of India’s foremost political cartoonists, Rasipuram Krishna...

Rina Banerjee

Indian-American painter and sculptor whose works focus on the experi...

Rathin Barman

A contemporary multidisciplinary artist, Rathin Barman is noted for his ...

Ravikumar Kashi

An artist, writer and educator, Ravikumar Kashi explores themes of d...


Originating with the Bengal School in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in the ...

Reena Saini Kallat

A contemporary artist who works across mediums such as drawing, phot...

Ramkinkar Baij

A sculptor and painter known for his representation of rural life an...

Ranbir Kaleka

Best known for his video projections on paintings, Ranbir Kaleka’...

Ranjani Shettar

An abstractionist, Ranjani Shettar is known for her nature-inspired larg...

Raqs Media Collective

Founded in 1992 by Jeebesh Bagchi, Monica Narula and Shuddhabrata Sengup...

Ranjit Hoskote

Born in Bombay (now Mumbai), poet, curator and cultural theorist Ranjit ...

Raja Ravi Varma

Widely considered one of the most influential artists of modern Indi...

Rabindranath Tagore

Born into the influential Tagore family of Jorasanko in Calcutta (no...

Raja Ravi Varma Press

A printing press established by the eminent artist Raja Ravi Varma and h...

Raghav Kaneria

Sculptor and a member of Group 1890, Raghav Kaneria is known for his abs...

Richard Bartholomew: A Critic’s Eye

Published in 2010 by Chatterjee & Lal, PHOTOINK and Sepia Internatio...

Raj Lalwani

A writer, publisher and photographer, Raj Lalwani’s practice inclu...

Rajan Devadas

A photojournalist and documentary photographer, Rajan Devadas is renowne...

Richard Bartholomew

An art critic, painter, poet and photographer, Richard Lawrence Bartholo...

Ronny Sen

A photographer, filmmaker and writer, Ronny Sen is best known for his p...

Raghubir Singh

A photographer known for his images of the landscape and people of India...

Raghu Rai

One of post-Independence India’s most renowned photographs, Raghu ...

Rock-cut Sculpture

Stone sculptures, often reliefs, that are carved from living rock an...


A theoretical formulation integral to classical Sanskrit aesthetics, ras...


Commissioned in 1582 by Emperor Akbar, Razmnama is a translation of all ...

Red Jasper Male Torso

Carved in red jasper stone, this statuette of a nude male torso with...


Visual depictions of Shiva seated atop Mount Kailasha with his conso...

Rasa Lila

A theme in Rajasthani manuscript painting, rasa lila celebrates the ...

Ravanaphadi Cave, Aihole

A cave temple of the Early Western Chalukyas dated to the sixth cent...

Rajasthani Manuscript Painting

The traditions of manuscript painting that emerged in the Rajput cou...

Ragamala Paintings

Comprising a set of miniature paintings, a ragamala depicts the visu...

Sunil Janah

An Indian photojournalist whose work spans much of the twentieth century...

Swapan Parekh

A photographer with a career spanning multiple genres, Swapan Parekh is...

Suhag Studio

Located at Jawahar Street in Nagda, Madhya Pradesh, Suhag Studio was est...

Sunil Gupta

A photographer, curator and activist, Sunil Gupta is renowned for his d...

Suresh Punjabi

A photographer known for his unique graphical experiments with portraitu...

STARS Archive

Initiated in 2015 by anthropologist Zoe Headley, the STARS Archive is a ...

Sure-flex Camera

Resembling the pseudo twin-lens reflex camera, the Anscoflex II, manufac...

Susan Hapgood

An American curator and art historian, Susan Hapgood lived in Mumbai fro...

Sohrab Hura

A photographer and member of the international cooperative Magnum Photo...

Sharbendu De

A lens-based conceptual artist, writer and academic, Sharbendu De is not...

Sheba Chhachhi

Photographer, installation artist and activist, Sheba Chhachhi is known ...


Established in 2009, sepiaEYE is a former New York-based gallery special...

Sanjeev Saith

In his long association with Indian photography, Sanjeev Saith has been...

Sabeena Gadihoke

As a scholar, curator and filmmaker, Sabeena Gadihoke’s work has f...

Standing Buddhas, Nagarjunakonda

A group of Buddhist sculptures dating to the third and fourth centur...

Sculpture at Mamallapuram

A historical site in Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu on the Coroma...

Stone Chariot, Vitthala Temple

Built in the sixteenth century CE under the patronage of Krishnadevaraya...

Sultanganj Buddha

A large metal sculpture discovered at Sultanganj in present-day Biha...

Sculpture at Rani ki Vav

One of the largest Indian stepwells, the Rani ki Vav, or Queen’s Stepwel...

Sculpture at Virupaksha Temple, Pattadakal

Commissioned by the Early Western Chalukya queen Lokamahadevi in the eig...

Sculpture at Sarnath

Refers to a number of sculptures, mostly made of Chunar sandstone, found...

Sculptures at Amaravati Stupa

Reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Shakyamuni Buddha as well myth...

Shunga Terracotta Sculptures

A collection of terracotta figurines and plaques from the Shunga period ...

Sculpture at Hazara Rama Temple, Hampi

A fifteenth century temple dedicated to the god Vishnu’s incarnation as ...


A list of six essential qualities of painting, Sadanga is mentioned in t...

Sanchi Pillar and Capital

The Sanchi Capital refers to a polished, monolithic, sandstone Ashokan p...


A form of tie-resist-dyeing practised in the Madurai region of Tamil Nad...

Sunburst Medallion

A motif used in textiles in the shape of the sun, in forms such as conc...

Suraiya Hasan Bose

A textile revivalist, Suraiya Hasan Bose played a crucial role in reviv...

Sujani Weaving

A double-cloth fabric weaving technique, sujani weaving is believed to h...

Shishedar Phulkari

A type of phulkari embellished with sheeshe (small, dull pieces of glass...


Chintz cloth produced for the Japanese market, sarasa cloth was used...


A block printing tradition originating from the town of Sanganer, Ra...


Obtained from the Turbinella Pyrum sea-snail found in the Indian Ocean, ...

Stella Kramrisch

A teacher, curator and art historian, Stella Kramrisch is regarded as a ...

Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)

An organisation and women’s trade union that seeks to empower female wor...

Sozni Embroidery

An embroidery style from Kashmir, sozni or suzani needlework designs are...


A stitched lower garment, the salwar (also known as salvaar or shalwar) ...

Suber Phulkari

A type of phulkari worn by Punjabi brides during their wedding ceremonie...

Sally Holkar

Activist and advocate of traditional weaving and handloom techniques, Sa...

Sainchi Phulkari

A type of phulkari that depicts human and animal forms, often in a narra...

Sohrai Painting

Along with Khovar, Sohrai is one of two historical mural painting tradit...

Sita Devi

Considered a pioneer artist of Madhubani painting, Sita Devi’s work ...


Musical theatre or opera depicting narratives from epics and folklore in...

Sutrada Gombeyaata

A form of string puppetry practised in the Mysore region of Karnataka, s...


Originating in ancient Southern India, silambam is a form of warfare tha...


Deriving its name from the plant Aeschynomene aspera, known as shola...

Saora Paintings

A mural painting tradition, Saora Painting is practised by the Saora com...


An art of fine paper stencilling used to create rangoli using dry powder...

Samuel Bourne

Born in Staffordshire, England, Samuel Bourne worked in India from 1863&...


A predominantly online auction house for Indian art, Saffronart was foun...

Sakti Burman

A painter and printmaker, Sakti Burman is known for his Surrealist work ...

Soghra Khurasani

An artist and printmaker from Vadodara, Gujarat, Soghra Khurasani explor...

Sunil Kant Munjal

An industrialist, philanthropist and patron of the arts, Sunil Kant Munj...


A versatile and durable natural fibre known for its fineness and lustre,...


A symbol associated with a variety of ideas and used in several cultures...


A Hindu deity described in the Vedas and Puranas, Surya refers to the Su...

Sculpture at Mathura

Between the second century BCE and the sixth century CE, the region of M...

Society of Contemporary Artists

An artist collective established in 1960, the Society of Contemporary Ar...

Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai

Established in 1865, Sir JJ School of Art is one of the oldest and most ...

Shukla Sawant

Contemporary multimedia artist and scholar, Shukla Sawant’s areas ...

Shilpa Gupta

A Mumbai-based multimedia and multi-format artist, Shilpa Gupta uses...

Sheela Gowda

Born in Bhadravati, Karnataka, Sheela Gowda is a painter, sculptor a...

Sharmila Samant

A contemporary artist working across installation, performance and photo...

Shreyas Karle

An artist working across painting, installation, video, and community-b...

Simryn Gill

A multimedia artist who works with photography, drawing, writing, sculpt...

Shibu Natesan

Contemporary artist known for his surreal figurative paintings, Shib...

Shireen Gandhy

Gallerist and art patron, Shireen Gandhy is the current director at Chem...

Sharan Apparao

An art dealer and curator, Sharan Apparao is the founder and current di...

SH Raza

Indian modern artist and painter, Sayed Haider Raza was best known for h...

Sankho Chaudhuri

A renowned sculptor with a career spanning most of the twentieth cen...

School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

A division of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) that offers postgraduate...

Serendipity Arts Foundation

Founded in 2014 by Sunil Kant Munjal under the umbrella of the Serendipi...

Sailoz Mookherjea

Modernist painter and academic, Sailoz Mookherjea is best known for his ...

Sarnath Banerjee

Regarded as one of the foremost graphic novelists in India, Sarnath Bane...

Sakshi Art Gallery

Founded in 1984 by Geeta Mehra, Sakshi Art Gallery is a Mumbai-based art...

Shanay Jhaveri

A writer, curator and art historian, Shanay Jhaveri is currently assista...

Sewak Ram

A prominent Company School artist, Sewak Ram’s work defined the distinct...


An activist and artist collective based in New Delhi and founded in 1989...

Sadanand Menon

A cultural critic writing on art, photography, performance and visual me...

Susan S Bean

An art historian, curator and editor, Susan S Bean has studied art and v...

Suresh Jayaram

A visual artist, writer, art historian, arts administrator and curator, ...

Surendran Nair

Contemporary artist known for his allegorical and figurative works, ...

Sudhir Patwardhan

A painter known for his renditions of cityscapes and the figure of a...

Srinivas Prasad

An artist who works in sculpture, performance and multimedia installatio...

Somnath Hore

Born in Barama village of Chittagong in present-day Bangladesh, Somn...

Sudarshan Shetty

Known for sculptural installations and multimedia work, Sudarshan Sh...

St+art India Foundation

Founded in 2014 by Arjun Bahl, Hanif Kureshi, Giulia Ambrogi, Akshat Nau...

Sonia Khurana

An artist known for working with various mediums, Sonia Khurana uses me...

Sound Art in India

An artistic discipline and style that came into practice in the 1900s, s...

Subodh Gupta

Born in Khagaul, Bihar, Subodh Gupta is an artist who specialises in ins...

Sreshta Rit Premnath

Contemporary artist, editor and educator, Sreshta Rit Premnath is known ...

Tasneem Zakaria Mehta

A curator and arts administrator, Tasneem Zakaria Mehta is the current h...

TRP Mookiah

Painter and sculptor of the Madras School, TRP Mookiah is known for his ...

Tallur LN

A conceptual artist who lives and works between India and South Kore...

Thirumalapuram Cave Shrines

Two rock-cut shrines excavated during the seventh and eighth centuries C...


A fourteenth-century literary work, the Tutinama, literally meaning ...


Valued for its texture, strength, natural gold colour and versatilit...


A decorative motif in the shape of a stylised three-petal flower, or...

The Calico Museum of Textiles

A specialist museum of Indian textile and handicrafts, the Calico Museum...

Turmeric Root Dye

A bright yellow natural dye derived from the turmeric plant (Curcuma lon...

Tree of Life

A popular motif used in textile design, handicrafts and fine arts de...

Tibetan Stitched Boots

Knee-high, warm and durable footwear made by the Tibetan community i...

Til Patra Phulkari

A type of phulkari featuring sparse embroidery on a red base, til patra ...

Thirma Phulkari

A type of phulkari with an unbleached white or cream base fabric as oppo...


A form of tie-resist-dyeing, thigma is practised primarily in the Nubra ...

Tharu Appliqué

A form of appliqué practised by the women of the Tharu community from t...

The TAPI Collection

A collection of textiles and art from India, The Art and People of India...

Thanjavur Kalamkari

A style of kalamkari native to a group of artists from Karuppur in Thanj...

Telia Rumal

Also known as chowka and Asia rumal, the telia rumal is a square cloth w...


A devotional tradition where images of Buddhist deities are painted on s...

Temple Border

An array of motifs on the border (or pallu) of the saree which borrows t...

Tangaliya Weaving

A weaving technique associated with the Surendranagar district of Gujara...

Tanchoi Weaving

A silk weaving technique that uses two to five weft threads for every on...

Tai-Ahom Silk Weaving

A silk textile craft practiced by the Ahom or Tai-Ahom people of Assam, ...

The People of India, Volume 1–8

The multi-volume photographic and print publication, The People of India...

The Beauties of Lucknow

A photographic album published in 1874 in Calcutta (now Kolkata), The Be...

The Oriental Races and Tribes, Residents and Visitors of Bombay

  A two-volume photographic album of albumen prints by William J...

TS Satyan

One of India’s earliest career photojournalists, Tambrahalli Subr...

Tressider Album

Created between 1853 and 1867, the Tressider Album is a “photograp...

The Lucknow Album

A book of photographs authored by Darogah Abbas Ali and published in 187...

The Alkazi Foundation for the Arts

Committed to the preservation and study of the cultural history of India...

Tejal Shah

A multidisciplinary artist working primarily with photography, sound...

Thanjavur Painting

A style of painting developed in and around the area of Thanjavur in...


Originating in the Kullu region of Himachal Pradesh, thoda or Thoda ka k...


A form of folk theatre from Tamil Nadu also known as kattaikkuttu an...

Togalu Gombeyaata

A form of shadow puppetry practised in the southern Indian state of Karn...

Tholu Bommalata

A form of shadow puppetry practised in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, tho...


A ritual performance in the Kolathunadu region of Kerala, theyyam is...


A form of shadow puppetry practised in the southern Indian state of Kera...

Therukoothu Masks

Painted facial makeup and masks, therukoothu masks are used for ther...


Originating among the Meitei people of Manipur, thang-ta is one componen...


Interpretations of the tomb of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet...


A popular form of folk performance from Maharashtra, tamasha incorporate...

Tarer Putul

Also known as suto putul, tarer putul is a traditional form of string pu...

Theyyam Masks

Part of the costuming of Theyyam performers in Kerala, Theyyam masks com...

Tyeb Mehta

A prominent modernist painter, Tyeb Mehta is best known for his renditio...

Tamil Bell

A partial ship’s bell made of bronze and bearing a Tamil inscription, th...

Tara in Buddhism

A compassionate goddess featuring primarily in the Buddhist pantheon, wh...

Ugra Narasimha Statue, Hampi

A large granite statue of Narasimha, the Ugra Narasimha statue was c...

Udayagiri Caves

Literally meaning “sunrise mountain,” the Udayagiri caves ar...

Umrao Singh Sher-Gil

A key early figure in the history of photography in India, Umrao Singh ...

Vivan Sundaram

A multimedia artist and writer, Vivan Sundaram was known as much for his...

Vasantha Yogananthan

A Sri Lankan-French lens-based artist who has worked extensively in Ind...

Vageeswari Camera

Invented in the 1940s, the Vageeswari Camera is an Indian-made large for...

Vivan Sundaram Is Not a Photographer

Published in 2019 by Tulika Books and authored by British artist-writer ...

Venkat Raman Singh Shyam

A second-generation Pardhan-Gond artist, Venkat Raman Singh Shyam tr...

V Vishwanathan

V Vishwanathan, popularly known as Paris Vishwanathan or Velu Vishwanath...

Valsan Kolleri

A sculptor best known for using a wide range of natural and manufactured...

Vasudha Thozhur

A painter known for her work in watercolour and oil, Vasudha Thozhur is ...

Volte Gallery

A Mumbai-based gallery specialising in contemporary art and collaborativ...

Vadehra Art Gallery

Established in New Delhi in 1987, the Vadehra Art Gallery (VAG) is an ex...

VS Gaitonde

Indian modern artist and painter from Maharashtra, Vasudeo Santu Gaitond...

Vidya Dehejia

A scholar working on ancient, medieval and colonial Indian art, Vidya D...

Varada Mudra

One of the five common mudras in Buddhist art, the varada mudra is assoc...

Venkateshvara Temple, Tirupati

Also known as the Tirumala temple, the Tirupati temple, and the Tirupati...

Virupaksha Temple, Hampi

Located on the banks of the river Tungabhadra, the Virupaksha temple in ...

Vari Da Bagh

Featuring rich bagh embroidery, vari da bagh is a type of chaddar or sha...


A printing technique that uses flattened gold and silver to embellis...

Weavers’ Service Centre

Training and textile weaving development centres managed by the Ministry...

Warli Painting

A traditional form of mural art, Warli painting is practised by people o...

White Tara

An aspect of the goddess Tara in the Buddhist pantheon, White Tara is wo...

WHS Crawford

A shipping firm partner and photographer in British India, William Henry...

William H Burke

A British press photographer active in the early twentieth century, Will...

Willoughby Wallace Hooper

An English photographer and military officer, Willoughby Wallace Hooper...

William Johnson

A photographer and civil servant in British India, William Johnson is be...


A Chinese Buddhist monk who travelled across the Silk Road and parts of ...

Yashoda Devi

An acclaimed artist of the Madhubani painting tradition, Yashoda Devi wa...


A form of rod puppetry practised in the eastern Indian state of Bihar, y...

Yakshagana Gombeyaata

A form of string puppetry practised in the south India states of Kar...


Mythical composite creatures sculpted on pillars and pilasters acros...

Yaksha and Yakshi

Mythological figures often represented visually in a pair, the yaksh...

YK Shukla

Painter and printmaker credited with introducing the graphic arts to Ind...


A printmaker and paper sculptor, Zarina Hashmi was concerned with th...

Zainul Abedin

Twentieth-century Bangladeshi artist, educator and activist consider...

Zoo Rock, Bhimbetka

One of the most densely painted among the Bhimbetka rock shelters in the...

Zahid R Chaudhary

A scholar and historian, Zahid R Chaudhary specialises in postcolonial s...