Colour Television Arrives in India


Doordarshan begins broadcasting in colour on Indian television. This, followed swiftly by more developments in entertainment and telecommunications over the next few decades, has a strong impact on all forms of traditional performance, such as storytelling, puppetry and folk theatre, and forms a base for video art in India. The mass consumption of Technicolor moving images lays the groundwork for television becoming the main medium of cultural dissemination second only to the cinema hall.


Ghosh, Avik. Communication Technology and Human Development: Recent Experiences in the Indian Social Sector. New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2006.

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man. New York: Signet Books, 1964.

Pijnappel, Johan. “Indian Video Art and the New Narrative Matrix.” In New Narratives: Contemporary Art From India, edited by Betty Seid, 25–35. Ahmedabad: Mapin Publishing, 2007.

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